At 02.15 08/01/03 +0900, you wrote:
>Hello Cataldi, 
>Thank you for your report; it's the first about pdfTeX.
>> I've tested the new version of musixpss. All is OK in general and dvips
>> mode, but in pdftex exclusive mode I have an error in the pdf file: near
>> the end of any slur there is the writing %%EOF.
>> Where did I go Wrong? In the installation?
>What is your version (or date) of these?
>  - pdfTeX        : 1.10a-devel
>  - supp-pdf.tex  : 2001.07.27
>  - supp-mis.tex  : 1997.01.04

I'm sorry for this omission. Here is the informations:

- MikTeX 2.2 under windows 98
- MetaPost version: 0.641
- pdfTeX Version 3.14159-1.00c-pretest-20020426 (MiKTeX 2.2)
- supp-pdf.tex: 2000.04.28
- supp-mis.tex: 2000.03.31



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