On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Johan Tufvesson wrote:

> Hi
> The recent question about different number of voices reminded me of an old
> problem I have. When making large scores with several pieces/movements
> with different number of instruments I usually have one handcoded tex file
> which include all the different tex files generated by M-Tx and PMX. This
> works fine with instrumental pieces and vocal pieces where the lyrics
> belong to the same instrument in all movements, but when the number of
> vocal staffs change between movements, the placement of the lyrics goes
> wild.
I had the same problem. One example is my edition of Goudimel's reformed psalms
with alternating simple SATB and motet-like SATB4. It is necessary to
reset the assignment of the lyrics. I used for instance the macro
\iistav to switch back to 2 staves:
Note \assignlyrics{n}{} which resets the assignment of lyrics.


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