TORRI Vincent a écrit :

> > Here is a short example that makes a problem:
> >
> > \debutmorceau
> > \setvolta1

>   I have had problems with voltas unless I put the symbol % at the end of
> the command \setvolta1 (or equivalent). In addition, Daniel Taupin told me
> it's better to finish all lines with a \relax or % (except when it
> finishes with \en)
>   I can't test this for now.

I just tried 

\Notes\Qqbu fhjl
\Qqbl klmo\en\bar%7
\ql l\ql m\en%8

and I got the same problem...  But there isn't any problem

\NOtesp\qlp k\en\Notes\cu{=f}\en\NOTes\hu f\en\bar%7
\setvolta1\NOTEs\wh f\en\setdoublebar\bar%8
\zchar{20}{~tutu}\Notes\ds\cu e\Dqbl kj\cl i\en\NOtes\qu
h\en\Notes\cl j\en\bar%9

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