On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 09:24:28AM +0200, Dr. Gerhard Eber wrote:
> I used musictex some time ago, and now wanted to change to
> musixtex. Everything seems to work well, but I cannot write more than
> one line, all stuff regardless how long the piece is, is always in one
> single line. musixflx says that it recognized 0 sections. I tried to
> reproduce the examples in the manual, but with the same result. Could
> this be an installation problem, or has anyone ecountered the same
> problem?

This could be a Unix-DOS incompatibility.  In DOS, newline is CR-LF;
in Unix it is LF.  When you used normal line breaks, what went wrong?

Col. G. L. Sicherman
TeX-music mailing list

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