Don wrote:
>[Luigi's manual] It's a combination of direct translations of
>my manual and original text. We don't need to argue about whether it's
>original or a translation because it's both.

This is the truth. I've follow some places of the Don's manual step by step
(but with my words) and others more freely, and I've added the samples.
Moreover I have to confess not only my debt with Don's manual, but with
Dirk's too, for the MTX section. 
But, like Christof said well, the purpose of the book is quite different
from which of PMX manual: not a reference manual, but a guide for non
TeX-perts. For this reason I've added the windows-o-centric and
MikTeX-o-centric installation instructions, that are, I know well,
superficial. A TeX-pert can ignore the section, a Linux user can do the
same, but a windows average user can't understand how the system works and
cannot go ahead. I think a lot of musicians falls in the last category. In
addition you have to consider that in Italy, as opposed to English, German
and French situation, a very little community uses TeX and friends.
The first idea was to write a guide for my personal use, but now I see
that, with the contribution of "translators/co-authors" that know more
better than me MusiXTeX/PMX/MTX we have a multilingual documentation. Isn't


PS. I also think that a step by step MusiXTeX guide for beginners would be
very useful.

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