On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 05:15:56PM -0700, Don Simons wrote:
> If someone can clearly state another rule, I could probably figure out a way
> to implement it. But I don't even understand the comment about columns of
> accidentals, let alone understand what the algorithm would be. I need either
> a step-by-step rule (like the one I just explained), . . .

Gerou and Lusk give your rule (and I've seen it elsewhere), and add these

        For intervals of a 2nd through a 6th, place the upper accidental
        closest to the note, the lower accidental to the left. [That is,
        do not align them vertically; they will overlap.]

        When intervals are greater than a 6th, accidentals align verti-

        For the interval of a 6th, if the two accidentals don't collide
        they may be aligned vertical. [Their examples: flat over natural,
        flat over sharp, double flat over natural or sharp, natural over
        natural, and double sharp over natural or sharp.]

        [In 3-note chords:] When outer notes are a 6th or less, the upper
        accidental is closest to the note, the lower accidental is
        placed left, and the middle accidental is placed farthest left.

        When outer notes are greater than a 6th, upper and lower acci-
        dentals are aligned closest to the notes--the middle accidental
        is placed to the left.

        [In chords with more than 3 notes:] Make the arrangement of
        accidentals as easy to read as possible for the situation.

        --Align the highest and lowest accidentals whenver possible.
        --The center accidentals are usually arranged diagonally from
          highest to lowest.
        --Align accidentals for octaves whenever possible.
        --Accidentals for the 2nd should usually be shaped like the
          2nd (if the outer notes are greater than a 6th).

        The upper accidental is placed closest to the note, the lower
        accidental to the left.

        [Copyright 1996 by Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.]

Col. G. L. Sicherman
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