
On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 14:20, Jürgen Fleck wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> pmxab.f:562:
>            call getarg(1,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next l
>                 ^
> Too many arguments passed to intrinsic `GETARG' at (^)
> pmxab.f:575:
>              call getarg(2,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next
>                   ^
> Too many arguments passed to intrinsic `GETARG' at (^)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> No binary was produced.

Just do what it suggests (consider the attached little patch).

--- pmx2414.for.orig    2003-08-31 15:27:53.000000000 +0200
+++ pmx2414.for 2003-08-31 15:27:48.000000000 +0200
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@
         numargs = 1
-        call getarg(1,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next line 
-c        call getarg(1,jobname) 
+c        call getarg(1,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next line 
+        call getarg(1,jobname) 
       end if
 10    ljob = lenstr(jobname,44)
       if (ljob .gt. 44) then
@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@
       else if (numargs .eq. 2) then
         if (ljob.eq.2 .and. jobname(1:2).eq.'-o') then
           optimize = .true.
-          call getarg(2,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next line 
-c          call getarg(2,jobname) 
+c          call getarg(2,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next line 
+          call getarg(2,jobname) 
           numargs = 1 
           go to 10
@@ -21465,4 +21465,3 @@
       ispstie = .not.ispstie
\ No newline at end of file

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