Peter Vanroose skryf:
> Dear all,
> I have a "beaming" problem with the following M-Tx fragment:
>    r8 e  e  e4 r8    e  e | d4 d8 r r4 r |
> C:    gc gc gc      gc gc   gb gb
> L:    ha-la-la      sa-si-phi-la
> The two 8th chords egc,egc at the end of the 1st bar are beamed (since I'm
> using the "-b" option of M-Tx), fine, but the beam is too low: its height
> seems to be calculated w.r.t. the "base" e, not the heigher up c.
> I can of course add explicit beaming and force the beam heigher up:
>     r8 e  e  e4 r8 [+5 e e ] | d4 d8 r r4 r |
> C:     gc gc gc       gc gc    gb gb
> L:     ha-la-la       sa-si-phi-la
> but now, M-Tx is no longer placing the syllables sa- and si- on those
> chords, but only the first (sa-), since explicit beaming normally means
> that all these notes are sung to the same syllable.
> Is there an elegant way around this problem?
Depends on what you mean by "elegant".  The way I would do it
is to put the note on which I want the beam to be calculated
in the melodic line and the other notes on the chord line.
It's a PMX feature, not a bug, that you have control over the
appearance of a chord by the way you select the main note.

Alternatively, in your second version, put \lyr\ in front
of the second note inside the forced beam.  (This kind of
thing is discussed in one of worked examples in the Appendix
of the M-Tx manual.)

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