I am not quite sure what exactly your problem is: in which part does
it occur (in all of them ??) and what exactly happens??

I did notice that in the LaTeX file you have one \begin/\end{music}
environment, but none of those which are specific to mtxlatex
{score}, {Score} etc.). It is known that the old \begin/\end{music}
environment can create problems, so you shouldn't use that at all;
but where are the others??

Please give some more details!


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack    Phones:
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1 office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
  Universit"at Bremen         secretary: -2422
  Otto-Hahn-Allee             Fax      : -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen           home     : +49 (421) 34 22 36
                                             Fax:  346 7872
  WWW-page: www-theorie.physik.uni-bremen.de/~noack

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Andreas Plank wrote:

> Hi M-Tx'ers,
> I'm using LaTeX to print a musicbook for internal usage and so i mix very different 
> kinds of music together. But there is a lyric problem. It appears, where it not 
> should be.  I tried to prevent this problem by using \resetlyrics and \lyricsoff/on 
> but no improvement.
> M-Tx,pmx --> TeX Output files looking nice, but not together in LaTeX. All songs in 
> attachment were produced with M-Tx or PMX. And the first song is the reason of 
> chaotic lyric-assignment, but I could not find out the reason. Second song (normally 
> with lyric): no lyric  appears; third song (normally without lyrics): lyrics from 
> second Song appears; fourth song: lyric assignment chaotic.
> Can anybody help solving this problem by looking my files, perhaps I did something 
> wrong
> MANY thanks, Andreas
> 8<----------------------
> Tableofcontents:
> Song Zuflucht.mtx -> M-Tx
> Song sollsein -> MusiXTeX written in LaTeX
> Song irishsong.pmx
> Song singHall.mtx -> M-Tx
> LaTeX-file with included TeX-files
> 8<----------------------
> Zuflucht.mtx
> 8<----------------------
> Style: Singer2
> Singer2: Voices S,A; Vocal; Clefs G
> Meter: C
> Systems: 5
> Size: 20
> Indent: 0
> Space: 10
> Options: sx
> {D}
> \lyrlayout{}\ 1.Du bist mein Zu-fluchts-ort. ich ber-ge mich in dei-ner
> Hand, denn du schützt mich, Herr. Wann im-mer mich Angst
> be-fällt, trau-e ich auf Dich. Ja ich trau auf Dich, und
> ich sa-ge:  Ich bin stark in der Kraft mei-nes Herrn.
> Herrn._
> {E}
> \lyrlayout{}\ 1.You are my hi-ding place. You al-ways fill my heart with songs
> of de-liv-er-ance when-ev-er I am a-fraid. I will trust in You;
> I will trust in You; let the weak say: I am strong in the strength
> of my God. God._
> %%Iipit80
> %%\\startrule\
> %%\\\nobarnumbers\
> U: @^+1 a ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ G
> @+8 r4 \cchar{10}{\circleit{1}}\ e4 a.e | g.f f2 | r4 d4 g.f |
> L: {D,E}
> U: C ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~  E4
> f.e e.d | c2 f4.c | e.d d r8 c8 | b b b4 c d |
> U: E7
> e e8 e f4s gs |
> U: a
> a0 |
> @+8 r4-6 \zchar{10}{\circleit{2}}\ e4 a.e |
> LA: (2.Du bist mein)
> LA: (2.You are my)
> U: d ~ ~ ~ ~ G C
>  r4 a8 g f4 a | g0 | r4 g8 f e4 g |
> U: F ~ d ~ ~ ~ E4
> f2.e | d4 r4 e f | e2 e4.f |
> U: E7 E7 a
>  V1 \sk\ e0 :| Vb2 \sk\ e0 sl e0 s Vx
>  V1 \sk\ e0 :| Vb2 \sk\ e0 sl e0 s Vx
> 8<----------------------
> singHall.mtx
> 8<----------------------
> Style: Singer2
> Singer2: Voices S,A; Vocal; Clefs G
> Meter: C
> Sharps: 2
> Systems: 4
> Size: 20
> Indent: 0
> Space: 8
> Options: s
> Pages: 1
> {S}
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja_
> Hal-le-lu-ja!
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_
> {A}
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_
> Sing Hal-le-lu_ ja
> Sing Hal-le-lu_ ja
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_
> %%\\startrule\
> %%\\\nobarnumbers\
> %%K-1+1
> U: @v+20  a e  a ~ ~  e
> @+3     r0 | r0      | a2 e4 d | c b a c |
> LS: {S}
> @+4 f2 e4 d | c b a c | b0      | r0-15
> L:{A}
> U: a C E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a e
> b0      | r0      | f2e+ f4 g4s | a2s  b4 s c s  | d0       | ce           |
> f2+ e4 f | a f e f |  f0  t    | f0 t         |   b2 c4 d |  c s a s f2 |
> U: F C a ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ a
> b0      | ae         | f2 f4 f  | a a a a | b0 s |  b0 s  |]
> g2 a4 b | a s f s d2 | f2 er4 d | c b a c | b0 s | b0 s |]
> 8<----------------------
> irishsong.pmx
> 8<----------------------
> % Praeambel
> % #Syst. #Instr. log.:_4/* log:_*/4 gedr.:_4/* gedr.:_*/4 #Auft.noten Vorz.
>     1       1       3           4       3           4           1       0
> % #Seite #Syst/S. Druck(pt) 1.Z.Einz.(%)
>     1       6       20          0.0
> % Instrumentennamen
> t
> ./
> Ar
> %Iigut120
> %Tt
> %Irish Song
> %Tc
> %Maria Linnemann
> \\font\ref=cmtt10\def\lt#1#2{\lchar{#1}{\ref#2 }}\def\bs{$\backslash$}\
> \\startrule\
> \\nobarnumbers\
>  r4-7 | \lt{-5}{0}\ a2d   | \lt{2}{2}\ a+d    |                           d-d | ad //
>  a44 | \lt{6}{0}\ e+ e e | e \lt{5}{4}\ d e  |  \lt{7}{1}\ f e  \lt{5}{4}\ d | 
> \lt{4}{1}\ c \lt{3}{0}\ b \lt{2}{2}\ a /
> \lt{-3}{3}\ c2d       | a2d              | e+2d  | e-2 r4-7 | a2d //
> \lt{6}{0}\ e+4 g- e+  | e \lt{5}{4}\ d c | ( b2d | b ) a4   | e+ e e /
> a2d    | d2d //
> e4 d e | f e d /
> a2d                                     | \lt{-3}{3}\ c2d       | a2d   //
> \lt{4}{1}\ c4 \lt{3}{0}\ b \lt{2}{2}\ a | \lt{6}{0}\ e+4 g- e+  | e \lt{5}{4}\ d c /
> e2d    | a2d  Rdl //
> b4 c b | a2d     /
> L4
>  Rl d2d | g-2d    |  c2d    | c2d    | a2d   | d2d    //
> f+4 d a | f+ b- g | e+ c  g | r4 c d | e c a | d a c /
> e2d     | e2d  | a-2d    | a2d   | d2d   | a2d   | c2d //
> b2  g4s | e2d  |  r4 a c | e d e | f g f | e c d | e g- e+ /
> d2d    | V1 e2d   | a-2d  Rr | Vb2 e+2d   | a2d | a-2d ? ze+   //
> d4 a c | b c b    | a2d      | b4 c b     | a2d | a2d   zc ze ?  of-2  /
> 8<----------------------
> \documentclass[12pt, twoside]{article}
> \usepackage{mtxlatex}
> \mtxlatex
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> \usepackage{german}
> \usepackage{musixtex}
> \usepackage{calc}
> \input musixlyr
> \input musixgui
> \textwidth16.7cm
> \topmargin0.5cm \headheight0pt \headsep0pt \textheight24cm
> \footskip15pt
> \oddsidemargin0in
> \evensidemargin0in
> \begin{document}
> \let\bye\
> \let\nopagenumbers
> \let\eject
> \let\startmuflex\
> \let\endmuflexsav\
> \let\endmuflex\
> \let\vfill
> \sffamily
> \section{Du bist mein Zufluchtsort}
> \begin{music}
> \resetlyrics\large
> \def\mtxversion{pre0.54c}
> \def\mtxdate{<15 August 2003>}
> \input mtx
> % Paragraph 2 line 10 bar 1
> \mtxSetLyrics{D}{%
> \lyrlayout{}\ 1.Du bist mein Zu-fluchts-ort. ich ber-ge mich in dei-ner %
> Hand, denn du schützt mich, Herr. Wann im-mer mich Angst %
> be-fällt, trau-e ich auf Dich. Ja ich trau auf Dich, und %
> ich sa-ge: \lq\lq Ich bin stark in der Kraft mei-nes Herrn. %
> Herrn._}
> % Paragraph 3 line 17 bar 1
> \mtxSetLyrics{E}{%
> \lyrlayout{}\ 1.You are my hi-ding place. You al-ways fill my heart with songs %
> of de-liv-er-ance when-ev-er I am a-fraid. I will trust in You; %
> I will trust in You; let the weak say: I am strong in the strength %
> of my God. God._}
> \input musixtex
> \input pmx
> \input musixmad
> \normalmusicsize%
> \nopagenumbers
> \tracingstats=2\relax
> \def\nbinstruments{1}
> \setstaffs11
> \setclef10
> \setname1{ }
> \generalsignature{ 0}%
> \generalmeter\meterC%
> \parindent 0pt
> \elemskip1pt\afterruleskip1.000pt\beforeruleskip0pt\relax
> \stafftopmarg0pt\staffbotmarg5\Interligne\interstaff{10}\relax
> \nostartrule
> \readmod{zuflucht}
> \mtxStaffBottom{10}%
> \mtxSetSize{1}{\mtxNormalSize}%
> \startrule%
> \nobarnumbers%
> \startmuflex\startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip%
> \mtxAssignLyrics1{D,E}%
> \mtxLyricsAdjust1{8}%
> \znotes\zcharnote{16}{\titles{2.0}{}{0}{}{0}{}{0}}\en%
> % Bar count 1
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{a}\qp\cchar{10}{\circleit{1}}\qu e\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qup{'a}\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu e\en%
> % Bar count 2
> \xbar
> \pnotes{3.46}\mtxZchar{11}{d}\qup g\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu f\en%
> \pnotes{4.00}\hu f\en%
> % Bar count 3
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{G}\qp\qu d\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qup g\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu f\en%
> % Bar count 4
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{3.46}\mtxZchar{11}{C}\qup f\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu e\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qup e\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu d\en%
> % Bar count 5
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\mtxZchar{11}{F}\hu c\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qup f\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu c\en%
> % Bar count 6
> \xbar
> \pnotes{3.46}\mtxZchar{11}{d}\qup e\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu d\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\qu d\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\ds\cu c\en%
> % Bar count 7
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.00}\mtxZchar{11}{E4}\cu b\cu b\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\qu b\qu c\qu d\en%
> % Bar count 8
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{E7}\qu e\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu e\cu e\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\bigsh f\qu f\bigsh g\qu g\en%
> \mtxSetLyrics{21}{(2.Du bist mein)}%
> \mtxSetLyrics{22}{(2.You are my)}%
> \mtxAuxLyr{\mtxAssignLyrics1{21,22}}\mtxLyrModeAlter{1}%
> \mtxAuxLyricsAdjust1{8}%
> % Bar count 9
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\lower6\internote\qp\zchar{10}{\circleit{2}}\ql e\nextvoice%
> \mtxZchar{11}{a}\wh{'a}\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qlp{'a}\nextvoice\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cl e\nextvoice\en%
> \mtxAuxLyr{\mtxAssignLyrics1{}}\mtxLyrModeNormal{1}%
> % Bar count 10
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{d}\qp\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu{'a}\cu{`g}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\qu f\qu{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 11
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\mtxZchar{11}{G}\wh g\en%
> % Bar count 12
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{C}\qp\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu g\cu f\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\qu e\qu g\en%
> % Bar count 13
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\mtxZchar{11}{F}\hup f\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 14
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.83}\mtxZchar{11}{d}\qu d\qp\qu e\qu f\en%
> % Bar count 15
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\mtxZchar{11}{E4}\hu e\en%
> \pnotes{3.46}\qup e\en%
> \pnotes{2.00}\cu f\en%
> \mtxLyrModeAlter{1}%
> % Bar count 16
> \Setvolta1%
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\sk\wh e\nextvoice\sk\mtxZchar{11}{E7}\wh e\en%
> % Bar count 17
> \setrightrepeat
> \endvoltabox
> \Setvolta2%
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\sk\islurd0e\wh e\nextvoice\sk\mtxZchar{11}{E7}\islurd1e%
> \wh e\en%
> % Bar count 18
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\tslur0e\wh e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{11}{a}\tslur1e\wh e\en%
> \endvoltabox
> \Endpiece \vfill\eject\endmuflex \bye
> \end{music}
> \section{Soll sein}
> \begin{center}
> \small Text: Gundermann, Musik: Hassbecker/Gundermann
> \end{center}
> \begin{music}
> \generalmeter{\meterfrac44} \systemnumbers
> \generalsignature{3} \parindent0pt \scale{2.5}
> \staffbotmarg=3.6\Interligne
> %\stafftopmarg=-4\Interligne
> \smallmusicsize
> \resetlyrics
> \setlyrics{strophe}{Der Win-ter soll end-lich wie-der kalt sein und auf-m Dach soll 
> Schnee sein a-ber weiß_ rings um mein Haus soll wie-der rich-tig Wald sein und der 
> O-fen drin-nen rich-tig heiß mein Tep-pich der soll end-lich wie-der flie-gen, mein 
> Zau-ber-pferd kommt an-ge-trabt, die Fla-schen-gei-ster könn' mich nich mehr 
> krie-gen weil ich wie-der Freun-de hab'_ Frag' mich nich wie_ frag' mich nich wann_ 
> 's is doch nur-'n Lied_ a-ber mit-m Lied_ fang' ich erst mal an.}
> \assignlyrics1{strophe}
> %\raiseguitar{20}
> \startpiece\lyricson
> \NOtes\zcharnote{14}{\bf \textrm{Strophe}}\qu f\en\leftrepeat
> \NOtes\uptext{h}\qu f\ds\qu e\ds\qu d\en\bar
> \NOtes\qp\en\Notes\Dqbu dd\en\NOtes\qa{ed}\en\bar
> \NOtesp\uptext{D}\qup{fe}\qp\en\bar
> \NOtesp\hpause\ds\qup f\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa e\en\Notes\cu d\en\NOtes\qu d\qp\qu b\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa{dd}\en\Notes\Dqbu dd\en\NOtes\islurd0b\qu b\en\bar
> \NOTes\tslur0b\uptext{h}\hu b\hpause\en\bar
> \NOtes\hpause\ds\qu f\ds\en\bar
> \NOtes\qu f\en\Notes\cu h\en\NOtesp\qup h\en\NOtes\qu f\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa{hfhi}\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{D}\qa h\ds\qu f\ds\qp\en\bar
> \Notes\hpause\qp\Dqbu ff\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{G}\qa e\ca d\qa d\ds\qa b\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa{dd}\hu f\en\bar
> \NOtes\sk\uptext{h}\pause\en\bar
> \NOtes\hpause\qp\qu h\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{fis}\qu f\cu h\qup h\qu f\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa{hhih}\en\bar
> \NOtesp\uptext{A}\qlp j\hl i\ds\en\bar
> \NOtesp\hpause\ds\qlp j\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{D}\qa i\ca h\qa h\ds\qa f\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{G}\qp\qa i\uptext{D}\ds\qup h\en\bar
> \NOTes\uptext{A}\hu e\hpause\en\bar
> \NOtes\hpause\ds\qup f\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{e}\qa e\cu e\qup e\qu d\en\bar
> \NOtes\qa{edef}\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{D}\qa d\ds\qup b\qp\en\bar
> \NOtes\pause\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{G}\qa{=gg}\uptext{D}\qa{ff}\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{C}\qa e\qp\qa d\islurd0d\qa d\en\bar
> \NOtes\tslur0d\qa d\qp\hpause\en\bar
> \Notes\pause\en\setrightrepeat\stoppiece
> \contpiece\leftrepeat\NOtes\zcharnote{10}{\bf \textrm{Ref.}}\qp\uptext{G}\qa k\ca 
> k\qa k\isluru0k\ca k\en\bar
> \NOtes\tslur0k\uptext{D}\qa {kh}\ca h\qa f\isluru0i\ca i\en\bar
> \Notes\tslur0i\uptext{G}\ca i\ca {iihi}\qa h\isluru0i\ca i\en\bar
> \Notes\tslur0i\uptext{h}\qa i\Dqbl ii\ca i\qa h\isluru0i\ca i\en\bar
> \NOtes\tslur0i\uptext{G}\hl i\ca i\qlp i\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{D}\hu h\uptext{A}\hl i\en\bar
> \NOtes\uptext{h}\wh i\en\bar
> \NOtes\pause\en\lyricsoff\mulooseness=1\setrightrepeat\endpiece
> \end{music}
> \section{Irish Song}
> \begin{center}
>   \small Maria Linnemann
> \end{center}
> \begin{music}
> \resetlyrics
> \input musixtex
> \input pmx
> \input musixmad
> \input musixlyr
> \lyricsoff
> \normalmusicsize%
> \nopagenumbers
> \tracingstats=2\relax
> \def\nbinstruments{1}
> \setstaffs11
> \setclef10
> \setname1{ }
> \generalsignature{ 0}%
> \generalmeter{\meterfrac{3}{4}}%
> \parindent 0pt
> \elemskip1pt\afterruleskip1.000pt\beforeruleskip0pt\relax
> \stafftopmarg0pt\staffbotmarg5\Interligne\interstaff{10}\relax
> \nostartrule
> \readmod{Irish_song}
> \font\ref=cmtt10\def\lt#1#2{\lchar{#1}{\ref#2 }}\def\bs{$\backslash$}%
> \startrule%
> \nobarnumbers%
> \startmuflex\startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip%
> \advance\barno by -1
> \relativeaccid%
> \znotes\zcharnote{16}{\titles{2.0}{}{0}{}{0}{}{0}}\en%
> % Bar count 0
> \pnotes{2.83}\lower7\internote\qp\nextvoice\qu{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 1
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\lt{-5}{0}\hlp a\nextvoice\lt{6}{0}\qu{'e}\qu e\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 2
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\lt{2}{2}\hlp{'a}\nextvoice\qu{'e}\lt{5}{4}\qu d\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 3
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\lt{7}{1}\qu{'f}\qu e\lt{5}{4}\qu d\en%
> % Bar count 4
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\lt{4}{1}\qu{'c}\lt{3}{0}\qu b\lt{2}{2}%
> \qu a\en%
> % Bar count 5
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\lt{-3}{3}\hlp c\nextvoice\lt{6}{0}\qu{'e}\qu{`g}\qu{'e}\en%
> % Bar count 6
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\lt{5}{4}\qu d\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 7
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\hlp e\nextvoice\isu0{'b}{.8}\hup b\en%
> % Bar count 8
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl{`e}\nextvoice\tslur0{'b}\hu b\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\lower7\internote\qp\nextvoice\qu{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 9
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu e\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 10
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu d\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 11
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\qu{'f}\qu e\qu d\en%
> % Bar count 12
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\lt{4}{1}\qu{'c}\lt{3}{0}\qu b\lt{2}{2}%
> \qu a\en%
> % Bar count 13
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\lt{-3}{3}\hlp c\nextvoice\lt{6}{0}\qu{'e}\qu{`g}\qu{'e}\en%
> % Bar count 14
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\lt{5}{4}\qu d\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 15
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp{`e}\nextvoice\qu{'b}\qu c\qu b\en%
> % Bar count 16
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\hlp a\nextvoice\hup{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 17
> \setdoublebar
> \alaligne
> \advance\barno-1\leftrepeat
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\qu{'f}\qu d\qu a\en%
> % Bar count 18
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp{`g}\nextvoice\qu{'f}\qu b\qu{`g}\en%
> % Bar count 19
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp c\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu c\qu{`g}\en%
> % Bar count 20
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp c\nextvoice\raise2\internote\qp\qu{'c}\qu d\en%
> % Bar count 21
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu c\qu a\en%
> % Bar count 22
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\qu{'d}\qu a\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 23
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{4.00}\hlp e\nextvoice\hu{'b}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\nextvoice\bigsh g\qu g\en%
> % Bar count 24
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\hlp e\nextvoice\hup e\en%
> % Bar count 25
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\raise2\internote\qp\qu{'a}\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 26
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu d\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 27
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\qu{'f}\qu g\qu f\en%
> % Bar count 28
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp a\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu c\qu d\en%
> % Bar count 29
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp c\nextvoice\qu{'e}\qu{`g}\qu{'e}\en%
> % Bar count 30
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp d\nextvoice\qu{'d}\qu a\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 31
> \Setvolta1%
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp e\nextvoice\qu{'b}\qu c\qu b\en%
> % Bar count 32
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\hlp a\nextvoice\hup{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 33
> \setrightrepeat
> \endvoltabox
> \Setvolta2%
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\hlp e\nextvoice\qu{'b}\qu c\qu b\en%
> % Bar count 34
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\hlp{'a}\nextvoice\hup{'a}\en%
> % Bar count 35
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.90}\ast{.37}\zhp e\hlp a\nextvoice\ast{.37}\zhp{'c}%
> \Fermataup{'b}\raisearp{-5}6\zhp{`e}\hup a\en%
> \endvoltabox
> \Endpiece
> \vfill\eject\endmuflex
> \bye
> \end{music}
> \section{Sing Halleluja to the Lord}\index{Sing Halleluja to the Lord}\index{Sing 
> Halleluja unserm Herrn}\label{Sing_Halleluja_to_the_Lord}
> \begin{center}
>   \small Text und Melodie: Linda Strassen
> \end{center}
> \begin{music}
> \large\resetlyrics
> \def\mtxversion{pre0.54c}
> \def\mtxdate{<15 August 2003>}
> \input mtx
> % Paragraph 2 line 12 bar 1
> \mtxSetLyrics{S}{%
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord %
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja_   %
> Hal-le-lu-ja! %
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_}
> % Paragraph 3 line 18 bar 1
> \mtxSetLyrics{A}{%
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord %
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_ %
> Sing Hal-le-lu_ ja %
> Sing Hal-le-lu_ ja %
> Sing Hal-le-lu-ja to the Lord_}
> \input musixtex
> \input pmx
> \input musixmad
> \normalmusicsize%
> \nopagenumbers
> \tracingstats=2\relax
> \def\nbinstruments{1}
> \setstaffs11
> \setclef10
> \setname1{ }
> \generalsignature{ 1}%
> \generalmeter\meterC%
> \parindent 0pt
> \elemskip1pt\afterruleskip1.000pt\beforeruleskip0pt\relax
> \stafftopmarg0pt\staffbotmarg5\Interligne\interstaff{10}\relax
> \nostartrule
> \readmod{SingHall}
> \mtxStaffBottom{8}%
> \mtxSetSize{1}{\mtxNormalSize}%
> \startrule%
> \nobarnumbers%
> \startmuflex\startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip%
> \mtxAuxLyr{\mtxAssignLyrics1{S}}\mtxAuxLyricsAdjust1{24}\mtxAssignLyrics1{A}%
> \mtxLyricsAdjust1{4}%
> \mtxAuxLyricsAdjust1{27}%
> \znotes\zcharnote{16}{\titles{2.0}{}{0}{}{0}{}{0}}\en%
> % Bar count 1
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql d\ql c\nextvoice\en%
> \def\atnextbar{\znotes\centerbar{\liftpausc1}\en}%
> % Bar count 2
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql b\ql a\ql{`g}\ql{'b}\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{e}\en%
> \def\atnextbar{\znotes\centerbar{\liftpausc1}\en}%
> % Bar count 3
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\wh a\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\hu g\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\nextvoice\qu d\qu c\en%
> % Bar count 4
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{e}\qu b\qu a\qu{`g}\qu{'b}\en%
> \def\atnextbar{\znotes\centerbar{\liftpausc{-7}}\en}%
> % Bar count 5
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\wh a\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql d\ql e\nextvoice\en%
> % Bar count 6
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql g\ql e\ql d\ql e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{C}\en%
> \def\atnextbar{\znotes\centerbar{\liftpausc1}\en}%
> % Bar count 7
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\islurd0e\wh e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{E}\loff{\hu e}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\nextvoice\qu e\bigsh f\qu f\en%
> % Bar count 8
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\tslur0e\wh e\nextvoice\bigsh g\hu g\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\nextvoice\isu0{'a}{.8}\qu a\tslur0b\qu b\en%
> % Bar count 9
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl{'a}\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\wh{'c}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql{'b}\ql c\nextvoice\en%
> % Bar count 10
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\islurd0{'b}\ql b\ts0{`g}{-.8}\ql g\nextvoice%
> \mtxZchar{16}{e}\loff{\wh{'b}}\en%
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl e\nextvoice\en%
> % Bar count 11
> \xbar
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl f\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{F}\wh{'a}\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql g\ql{'a}\nextvoice\en%
> % Bar count 12
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\islurd0g\ql g\ts0e{-.8}\ql e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{C}%
> \loff{\wh g}\en%
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl c\nextvoice\en%
> % Bar count 13
> \alaligne
> \pnotes{4.00}\hl e\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\hu e\en%
> \pnotes{2.83}\roff{\ql d}\ql c\nextvoice\qu e\qu e\en%
> % Bar count 14
> \xbar
> \pnotes{2.83}\ql b\ql a\ql{`g}\ql{'b}\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{e}\qu g%
> \qu g\qu g\qu g\en%
> % Bar count 15
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\islurd0a\wh a\nextvoice\mtxZchar{16}{a}\isluru1{'a}\wh a%
> \en%
> % Bar count 16
> \xbar
> \pnotes{5.66}\tslur0a\wh a\nextvoice\tslur1{'a}\wh a\en%
> \Endpiece\eject\endmuflex \bye
> \end{music}
> \end{document}
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