Christian Mondrup wrote:
After translating this back to PMX :-) I see that it works exactly as
advertised, no new features required. Christian, I'm curious what syntax you
tried that did not work.

some stupid one, I guess:-) The above listed syntax works perfectly. I've updated score and source file accordingly.

On the stylistic front, I wonder why staff-jumping would be preferred to
ledger lines in this case.

my wish for a staff jumping beam is not based on any _stylistic_ consideration but primarily on the wish to get as close as possible to my typesetting original ( Secondarily I believe that the original printing of the song reflects some _pianistic_ thinking: notes in the lower staff are to be played by the left hand. I'm a mediocre keyboard player myself and would actually prefer to have all 4 notes in the beam group in question typeset within the upper staff in order to facilitate _score reading_. But my wife who is a much more skilled piani player says that a piano score typesetting should reflect _piano playing_.

In number 2 of the Laub songs, 'Rør ej min Lok!' there are some cases of staff jumping triplets in the original score. For example in bar 1 the first triplet should have its 2 first notes in the LH staff and the last note in the RH staff. But since PMX explicitely does not allow an xtuplet to end with a rest I can't figure out how to PMX typeset the tuplet like in the source.

Any ideas how to fool PMX to accomplish what I want?

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

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