Hallo Cornelius 

thanks for your help, it works fine. 

The (ii) comment is great, I will used it, the answer of (i) is NO. I ask my wife (the 
composer) an she tell me:

"The suite isn't written for playing prima vista (vom Blattspiel sagt man in Deutsch). 
I expect that an organ player have enough time to practise this suite at least 2 
weeks, before he is able to play it. Very good manual and pedal technical skills are 

Best regards
Frauke & Karsten Mekelburg

-----Original Message-----
From: Cornelius C. Noack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2004 00:04
To: Typesetting music with TeX
Subject: Re: [Tex-music] PMX I/O error in second PMX pass

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Mekelburg, Karsten wrote:

> The following piece produces an error in the second pmx pass, no tex file will be 
> produced. The error will be ocured, if you used the first or second variant of the 
> 25.th bar. It dieappear if you comment the 24.the bar or if you take the 3.th 
> variant of the 25.th bar. I can't find any explanation about this error. Also the 
> bar 25 looks not strange, it looks like "normal" pmx code. Can anybody halp me?
> best regards
Your problem is with the many ledger lines that begin in the
treble voice in bar 23. If  you replace the first a1+ in that staff by
a14, say, the error goes away. To understand this, it is useful to know
what the 2 passes of pmx do:

  (1) pass 1 (formerly called "pmxa.exe") reads in the pmx source, does
      the syntax checking, and produces an intermediate file in which
      some of the pmx shorthand notation has been expanded,
  (2) pass 2 (formerly called "pmxb.exe"; the two passes were then
      appended to make 1 file, "pmxab.exe") then reads this as its
      input, and produces the .tex output file.

The exceedingly many ledger lines produce an output line in pass 1 that
is too long for the input "READ" command of pass 2, whence the error.
Admittedly the error message isn't of much use here ...

      (i) Are you sure that is what you really want in your score ? Do
          you expext any organ player to be able to play these notes on
          sight-reading ?? If your answer to question one is YES, you
          should definitely consider the octaviation notation. How to do
          that is described in my PMX tutorial in the WIMA:

     (ii) You commented out the line "\\input def\"
          in your pmx input file which seems to read in the definitions
          of the "\reg" and "\Reg", so these produced an extra error
          with me. It may be more convenient to use the brand-new
          facility for inputing that is now available in PMX version
          2.416. You should definitely take a look at that!

"Hope this hilft".


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack    Phones:
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1 office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
  Universit"at Bremen         secretary: -2422
  Otto-Hahn-Allee             Fax      : -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen           home     : +49 (421) 34 22 36
                                             Fax:  346 7872
  WWW-page: www.itp.uni-bremen.de/~noack

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