On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Don Simons wrote:

> Cornelius Noack wrote
> >(i) Are you sure that is what you really want in your score ? Do
> > you expext any organ player to be able to play these notes on
> > sight-reading ?? ...
> to which Karsten Mekelburg replied
> >... the answer of (i) is
> > NO. I ask my wife (the composer) an she tell me:
> >
> > "The suite isn't written for playing prima vista (vom Blattspiel
> > sagt man in Deutsch). I expect that an organ player have enough
> > time to practise this suite at least 2 weeks, before he is able
> > to play it. Very good manual and pedal technical skills are provided."
> In Karsten's example, originally posted 1/19, it is true that PMX choked in
> bar 25. But bar 22 reaches 8 ledger lines above the treble staff; bar 23
> goes 11 ledger lines above, and bar 24 goes 12 ledger lines above. PMX
> gamely deals with all this, not questioning for an instant whether someone
> inadvertantly went up an octave when he meant to go down, nor questioning
> where there is any organ in the world that has such high notes on its
> keyboard.  But evidently by bar 25 PMX got exhausted and gave up. I think we
> should all give PMX a round of applause for hanging in there as long as it
> did!
> --Don Simons
Here is mine, certainly! Let me turn my previous ironic remark around:
what a wonderful sightreader PMX is !!


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack    Phones:
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1 office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
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