The enclosed (forwarded) mail had an incorrect URL to the "Tips and Tricks" entry. The correct one is:

Sorry for any inconvenience. And thanks to Quinten and Bernhard for pointing out the error.


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack          Phones:
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1       office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
  Universit"at Bremen               secretary: -2422
  Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      : -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421) 34 22 36
                                                   Fax:  346 7872
  E-mail: noack at   or  ccnoack at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 17:15:36 +0200
From: Cornelius C. Noack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Typesetting music with TeX <>
Cc: Olivier Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Don Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [TeX-music] How can I set three voices in one system with PMX?

On Fri, 13 May 2005, Olivier Vogel wrote:

Le mercredi 11 mai 2005 à 10:13 +0200, Bernhard Lang a écrit :
So my question in now: is it really only possible to set two voices? If
not, how can I set three and more voices?

Very recently, someone asked the same question and you'll find the
thread in the mailinglist's archive. I remember also a very clever
solution by superposing two staves with zero vertical shift inbetween
them. But consider the issues mentioned by Don in that 3-voices thread.

Bernhard indicates here a VERY good idea. Here is a example to produce
very easily three voices: it is the end of the fuga 4 of the 1st book of
the welltempered clavier of J.S. Bach. It would be fine if Cornelius
adds it to the tips and tricks section.


Motion granted, and done! See

Thanks, Olivier, this is really very useful!


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack          Phones:
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1       office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
  Universit"at Bremen               secretary: -2422
  Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      : -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421) 34 22 36
                                                   Fax:  346 7872
  E-mail: noack at   or  ccnoack at
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