On Sat, 1 Oct 2005, Don Simons wrote:

Dirk Laurie wrote

... However, nowadays
all it takes to increase TeX capacity is to edit texmf.cnf, so maybe
we no longer need to be so careful.

In the process of editing musixdoc.tex, I've been having to jump through all
sorts of hoops to keep from exceeding TeX capacities. So I decided to look
into this alleged new expanded capacity. First, since I had been using
MiKTeX 2.1 (which doesn't seem to have elatex), I decided to upgrade to 2.4.
I installed the "small" version. Running either latex or elatex, I still get
the dreaded "!No room for a new \dimen" when loading musixps.tex, exactly
like I had gotten with latex in 2.1. I searched the hard drive for texmf.cnf
and it's not there at all (not that I would have known what to do if I had
found it).

Any suggestions what to do next?

--Don Simons

TeX-music mailing list

It seems to me that Dirk had a typo: \texmf is a subdirectory (in
fact, the main one) in MikTeX, not a file name. So, of course, I
don't have a file texmf.cnf either!

I searched a bit, and the configuration file that seems to contain
most capacity parameters is
                 \texmf\miktex\config\miktex.ini   ,

but I think anybody who is not exactly a TeXpert/LaTeXpert is better
advised not to fiddle seriously with those parameters. Usually,
choosing the "etex/elatex" configuration is enough in most cases;
but that should be the default in MikTeX 2.4 anyway. With eLaTeX,
I never had the stupid "!No room for a new \dimen" problem!

With modern bandwidth, your best bet is to install the small
version of mikTeX and choose the "install missing packages on the
fly" option in the MikTeX options menu -- it's convenient and
fast. Don't forget to refresh the database, of course!

Don: in case you incur the "\dimen" problem problem persistently,
send me a copy of the offending source, so I can cross-check it!


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