Good morning all,

I am trying to produce examples for the musixtex manual, Don is working on.

I got an underfull hbox (bold vertical line on the end) when using \changecontext and an (automatic) new music line.

I use this line:

Replacing \generalsignature{-2}by \setsign1{-2}\setsign2{-2} does not help.

Changing the line by:

removes the underfull hbox , but the result is no more what i want.

Am i doing something wrong?

This is an example for demonstrating the error:
\input musixtex
\hsize 100mm \vsize 100mm
\notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en
% Is generalsignature forbidden here (there is a overfull hbox)?
% With this line no overfulf hbox,
% but signatures are in the wrong place
\notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
\notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
% Clefs

Thanks for helping


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