When looking at Chris Walshaw's abc2mtex program (version 6.1 of August
2001) I came across a small problem (that does not occur when I treat my
file with the abcplus program). It has to do with bars. Consider the 
following abc code:

% --- end of header ---
C8 [| D8 || E8 | F8 |] G8 |: A8 :: \
D8  | E8 |[1 D8 | C8 :|[2 C8 |]

When treating this with abc2mtex and musixtex I get
the PDF file which is attached, and which shows that
the [| (separator bar 1 and 2) does not come out correctly 
(it displays like a simple |). Does anybody know whether
this is a feature, a problem, or a mistake of my part
(I repeat that abcplus shows the correct behavior).

Thanks for your help. Michel Goossens
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