On 13 oct. 07, at 22:20:24, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:

Once again: it would save those of us who are willing to help you
time and effort if you would supply
"a minimum working example (that exhibits the problem)" :-(

Ok. For instance of "minimum working example", is the one in "Ties of chords repeated in midi files" okay, or do you want a total PMX code?

So I guess you are thrown back into tricks, and (if I am not
mistaken) that means inline TeX. At this moment, I haven't the
time for trying that (besides, other people, such as Andre van
Ryckeghem, are much better at that than I. But if you describe for
us exactly what you want to acchieve, someone might be tempted to
give it a try.

Besides, if you could explain if this is a recurring problem of
general interest, it might be worth a proposal for an enhancement
of PMX itself. Possibly, that might not be very complicated to
code (once we know how the solution looks in MusiXTeX).

That's exactly that, but I'll find another solution. I was wondering if it was possible, and you answered me. Thanks a lot!


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