Hermann Hinsch wrote:
Within a pmx-file I use a special definition for the barnumbers to get slanted numbers with a distance of 5 mm above the staff. This works well for the first pages but for the next pages the barnumbers are positioned directly above the clef symbol.

Below I give an example. I would be very grateful if anyone could give an idea to me to avoid this problem.



% Bar 13
c43d b1 c d4 d- /
d85 s c1 d e4d [ g8- s fs s c+ ] /
e45 r r a s /
% Bar 14
g42d a1f b c4 c- /
b44 r r en /
a85 s g1 a b4d [ d8-f s c s b+ ] /

bar 14 involves a line break plus a slur continuation. In the tex code generated by pmxab you'll notice that \raisebarno is explicitely redefined:

\% Bar 13
% Bar count 13
\pnotes{2.00}\sk\ast{.26}\qu D&\ibu2g3\islurd0g\qb2g\ast{.26}\tslur0f%
\sh f\qb2f\tbu2\qb2{'c}&\sk\ast{.26}\isluru0{''a}\ql a\en%
% Bar 14
% Bar count 14
\pnotes{2.00}\qup G&\ql{'b}&\ibl3{''a}0\tslur0a\qb3a\en%
\pnotes{1.41}\ibbu1{'A}2\bigfl A\qb1A\tbu1\qb1B&&\en%
\pnotes{2.00}\sk\qu C&\sk\bigna{'e}\ql e&\ibl3{'d}4\isluru0d\bigfl d%

Now, when I search for \raisebarno in the fortran code of pmxab I find:

c  AHA! Slur likely to interfere with barno.
                slint = .true.
                fmtq = '(a16,i1,a14)'
                if (irzbnd+isnx .gt. 9) fmtq = '(a16,i2,a14)'
                if (islast) write(11,fmtq)sq//'def'//sq//'raisebarno{',
     *             irzbnd+isnx,'.5'//sq//'internote}%'
              end if
            end if
            if (movbrk .gt. 0) then

It looks like pmxab is instructed to look for slurs at risk to overwrite barnumbers at line breaks. If it calculates that risk to be true, then \raisebarno is redefined. As I understand the PMX documentation it is not possible to tell pmxab to omit that behavior? Am I missing something?
Christian Mondrup, Archive Editor
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