Christian wins the Sherlock Holmes award for detective work on this case.

It wouldn't be that much work for me to put in a user-selected switch to
suppress the automatic height adjustment (I'd only have to bypass the "AHA"
block.) Is it worth the trouble (of generating a whole new PMX version)?

What would be more difficult is making the bar numbering a lot more
flexible. But all along I figured if people didn't like the default they
could fix it with inline TeX.

However, if you only want to alter the position of the bar number on a
one-time basis, there is an undocumented macro in pmx.tex called \bnrs ("bar
number raise & shift"). It has two arguments, the amount to raise it (in
\internote) and the amount to shift if horizontally (in notehead widths).
Example of use:
1 1 4 4 4 4 0 0
1 4 20 0

c86 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c /
cs86 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c \bnrs0{-2}\ c /
cs86 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c /
cs86 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c /
This shifts the 3rd system's bar number to left. But the same issue applies
as with the baseline behavior: some of the redefinitions I used here could
confuse or get confused by other redefinitions that a user might try.

--Don Simons

>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Christian Mondrup
>Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 10:38 AM
>To: Werner Icking Music Archive
>Subject: Re: [TeX-Music] Barnumbers
>Hermann Hinsch wrote:
>> Within a pmx-file I use a special definition for the barnumbers to get
>slanted numbers
>> with a distance of 5 mm above the staff. This works well for the first
>pages but for the
>> next pages the barnumbers are positioned directly above the clef
>> Below I give an example. I would be very grateful if anyone could give
>an idea to me to
>> avoid this problem.
>> Hermann
>> Example:
>> %
>> % Bar 13
>> %
>> c43d b1 c d4 d- /
>> d85 s c1 d e4d [ g8- s fs s c+ ] /
>> e45 r r a s /
>> %
>> % Bar 14
>> %
>> g42d a1f b c4 c- /
>> b44 r r en /
>> a85 s g1 a b4d [ d8-f s c s b+ ] /
>bar 14 involves a line break plus a slur continuation. In the tex code
>generated by pmxab you'll notice that \raisebarno is explicitely
>\% Bar 13
>% Bar count 13
>\pnotes{2.00}\sk\ast{.26}\qu D&\ibu2g3\islurd0g\qb2g\ast{.26}\tslur0f%
>\sh f\qb2f\tbu2\qb2{'c}&\sk\ast{.26}\isluru0{''a}\ql a\en%
>% Bar 14
>% Bar count 14
>\pnotes{2.00}\qup G&\ql{'b}&\ibl3{''a}0\tslur0a\qb3a\en%
>\pnotes{1.41}\ibbu1{'A}2\bigfl A\qb1A\tbu1\qb1B&&\en%
>\pnotes{2.00}\sk\qu C&\sk\bigna{'e}\ql e&\ibl3{'d}4\isluru0d\bigfl d%
>Now, when I search for \raisebarno in the fortran code of pmxab I find:
>c  AHA! Slur likely to interfere with barno.
>                 slint = .true.
>                 fmtq = '(a16,i1,a14)'
>                 if (irzbnd+isnx .gt. 9) fmtq = '(a16,i2,a14)'
>                 if (islast) write(11,fmtq)sq//'def'//sq//'raisebarno{',
>      *             irzbnd+isnx,'.5'//sq//'internote}%'
>               end if
>             end if
>             if (movbrk .gt. 0) then
>It looks like pmxab is instructed to look for slurs at risk to overwrite
>barnumbers at line breaks. If it calculates that risk to be true, then
>\raisebarno is redefined. As I understand the PMX documentation it is
>not possible to tell pmxab to omit that behavior? Am I missing
>Christian Mondrup, Archive Editor
>WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive
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