Hermann Hinsch wrote:
> A question to the TeX experts:

Actually I think a METAFONT expert would be more help here but they're such
a rare breed...

>   I would like to get a special design of the printed part of a meter,
> as it is used in
> early music like this: C3/4 or O3/1, to be exact instead of C a halve
> circle and instead
> of O a circle is used.

The WASY font package (font wasy10) contains two symbols which may be a good
starting point

"23 - whole circle
"49 - left half circle with vertical line

The only problem is that I think for the clef you're after you don't want
the vertical line on the half symbol? However, on page 96 of the
Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol list there is a tutorial for producing very
simple METAFONT sources. If you search for "Left half ocircle" and "ocircle
same size as operators" in rsym.mf then you get the METAFONT source for each
of those characters and then wasym10.mf shows how the font would be produced
and the two together should be enough to graft those two symbols into a font
on their own and possibly get rid of the vertical line (and maybe even add
the 3/4 and 3/1 as part of the whole symbol). I imagine there is a way with
a METAFONT path to tell it not to join the last two dots (which is what
causes the vertical line, I think). I'd love to play with it but <sigh>
time... hope those pointers may be of some help if you have a little more!

There may also of course be a font out there with the open cut half circle
(or if you're happy to use rotation \special instructions, you could rotate
a properly circular intersection symbol which is definitely in one of the
maths symbol fonts listed in the symbol guide...)

My other thought is whether it's something which lilypond can do - in which
case it'll have a font symbol for it which can be "borrowed".

Anyway, I shall return from dreams of hacking in METAFONT and return instead
to hacking in TeX...


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