Graham Norton wrote

>A. The good news is that TexMozartp3.tex (see attached) did compile and
>generate the same output as in the manual  (except for the bar numbers).
>For this to work, the input file and the directory musixtex MUST be at
>the same level in the parent directory. This is crucial.

Not on my PC. TeXMozartp3.tex goes through just fine, straight out of the
box, without any musixtex directory at the same level as the source. I
believe all that is required is to have a properly set up installation of
TeX and MusiXTeX, with a path variable set to allow execution of all the
necessary binaries, and with musixtex.tex and all the musixtex fonts in
folders that TeX can find. In MiKTeX, the latter is accomplished by placing
the files in the designated user input folder or a subfolders of that, and
then "refreshing the filename database."

>C. I note that doc/musixdoc.tex (which I cannot latex) 

When I first tried to latex it (not tex; it's a LaTeX file), latex
complained that it couldn't find backgrnd.sty. So I grabbed that file from
the and put it in my user tex input folder, refreshed the
filename database, and the file compiles just fine.

>differs from the
>pdf file of the manual currently available from WIMA. I'd like to
>suggest that  the pdf version of musixdoc.tex be put on WIMA, replacing
>the current one.

There are two versions of the manual on WIMA. I believe that the directly
linked copy of version T.113, at
is the same as the one from musixdoc.tex in the If there are
any differences, please let me know exactly where they are. The other one
that is directly linked is version T.114, at
This is an extensively edited version. I am not going to remove it, because
I spent a long time creating it, and I believe it's a substantial
improvement over to older version. Some day I or some other volunteer may
create a new; and when and if that happens, the most recent
version of the manual will be included.

>On line 8048 of musixdoc.tex, we read:
>" When producing this examples, care should be taken about the fact that
>several given files are supposed to be included (by means of
>\keyindex{input}) in other files. Thus the only good files to be
>directly \TeX-ed are those which begin with \verb|\input musixtex| or
>  \verb|% \input musixtex|. This latter command is often commented out
>so that the examples can be run either using a \musixtex\ format
>including {\tt musixcpt.tex} and {\tt musixsty.tex} --- namely the
>format generated by {\tt musixtex.ins} --- or using a \musictex\ format
>including {\tt musictrp.tex}, {\tt musicvbm.tex} and {\tt musicsty.tex}
>--- namely the format generated by {\tt musixtex.ins}."
>It would be very useful if this statement (or a shortened version of
>it) were included as a footnote before the first examples in the manual
>. And 'begin{music}'  \'end \{music} ' should be removed from the
>example! ... it is a bit confusing here for the reader, as Tex is
>mentioned repeatedly as the preferred engine, and in Chapter 2, opening
>paragraph,  we are reminded that \input musixtex must be included, again
>suggesting Tex.

Where to begin? I removed this comment from version T.114 of the manual. It
contains lots of references to obsolete components of the MusiXTeX system.
The corresponding text in T.114 is "The file musixdoc.tex, the source for
this manual, contains many useful examples. In the
PDF, many examples are accompanied by a display of the code that produced
them, while for a
few only an image of the extract is included in the PDF and you'll have to
look in musixdoc.tex
to see the coding." I admit that I didn't go into the complex distinctions
between TeX and LaTeX at this point. But the idea is that in most cases, one
can copy the source from the PDF, surround it with the necessary boilerplate
including setting up the page size, \input musixtex,
\startmuflex\startpiece, etc., and then TeX it. If I ever revise the manual
again, perhaps I'll include a section explaining exactly how to do this. 

>D. Including
>around the example was a good suggestion. For this to work, my input
>Mozartp3.tex and the directory musixtex have to be in the same parent
>directory (i.e. at the same level).
>Unfortunately it still won't complete, complaining:
>!I can't find 'Mozartp3.aux,'
>and hangs on
>l. 17 \end{document}
>with no pdf file generated. Definite progress, but this is strange as
>there are no e.g section references to generate such a file(??)
>Seems to be a Latex problem.  Oddly enough, Tex does not complain about
>a missing .aux file, and does not generate one from e.g.

I can't test these assertions since you didn't include Mozartp3.tex. As I
said above, I had no problem LaTeX'ing TexMozartp3.tex in my TeX system.
Based on your need to position various files just so, I'm guessing that you
haven't integrated the musixtex files correctly into your TeX system. (And
I'm afraid I can't help much with that on a Mac.)

--Don Simons

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