Robin Fairbairns wrote:
> Don Simons <> wrote:
> > I don't think the situation is as grim as Cornelius paints it. Within
> > is a file mxinsuse.pdf containing detailed
> > installation instructions for either XP or Vista, and a batch file
> > instmus.bat that will perform the installation provided you edit the
> > files to point to the correct folders. The instructions are also
> > separately posted at
> >
> >
> >
> > I have personally verified that instmus.bat produces a viable
> > installation when MiKTeX 2.8 is present.
> i observe that miktex (and tex live) both offer musixtex as part of their
> downloadable installation.
> i doubt they're much good, unless there some executable somewhere that
> i've missed.  (i really don't think so.)

If you install MusiXTeX in MiKTeX then you have to extract musixflx.exe from
C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\source\generic\musixtex\
and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin (obviously
substituting C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8 for the appropriate path for
your MiKTeX). I have no idea why it doesn't install the executable. I don't
think that it would be affected by an upgrade/update to MiKTeX but I don't
use its package manager. 

However, the version in MiKTeX is only T.112 (although that's what I use for
my limited means) and it doesn't include any of the tools (it does have the
Type I fonts, though). It would be good if something could be done to update
the MiKTeX package and include the common preprocessors (PMX, etc.) but I
have no idea how one would go about contributing a re-packaged version.
Things are simpler than they used to be in that MiKTeX now only supports the
x86 NT branch of Windows.


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