On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 04:22:22PM +0200, Roland Stigge wrote:
> Yes. Except that currently, "mtx" is called "prepmx" (/usr/bin/prepmx)
> in Debian. Might by a good idea to rename it to "mtx" /usr/bin/mtx),
> though. Any objections?

Wikipedia says:

    MTX - A UNIX & Linux command (Quoted: `mtx` is a set of low level
    driver programs to control features of SCSI backup related devices
    such as autoloaders, tape changers, media jukeboxes, and tape drives.)

The number of installations that still use SCSI must be dwindling fast.  
Still, if I type `mtx` on my up-to-date Ubuntu system, I get

    The program 'mtx' is currently not installed.  You can install it by 
         sudo apt-get install mtx

Debian is more conservative than Ubuntu, so I can't imagine that Debian 
has chucked away that `mtx`.

There is another reason, which is not Unix/Linux specific.

Unfortunately the three letters mtx, in the fourteen years of existence
of M-Tx, have come to be pretty hard-worked in the TeX world.  The
extension .mtx is used in modern ConTeXt packages as an abbreviation 
for 'metrics', doubtless selected with the same smugness at finding three 
suggestive but apparently available letters with which I chose M-Tx all 
those years ago.  

These packages contain executables 'mtxrun' and 'mtxtools', which are 
rather essential ones.  And LuaTeX, the future of TeX, relies on ConTeXt
infrastructure, so .mtx will be in mainstream TeX soon.  Sorry Mr Macdonald, 
I don't care whether your little carry-oot shop in Dunoon has been in the 
family for generations, but if you plan selling burgers there, you'll have 
to call it something different from Macdonald's.

The 'file' command recognizes ConTeXt .mtx files as "LaTeX auxiliary file"
(enough to make Hans Hagen choke in his Heineken, I'm sure) and M-Tx files 
as "FORTRAN program" (urggh! there goes some of my Windhoek).

ConTeXt doesn't contain an executable 'mtx' just yet, though.  But all the
same, I have no wish to pip Hans at this post.

Suggestion: keep the name prepmx but write a brand-new script mtx2pdf 
for the whole process so that no one actually ever needs to invoke prepmx
pmxab or musixflex directly.  In Lua, of course.  I may even do it myself.


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