Hello Don!

Am 18.08.2012 schrieb Don Simons:
> Rainer, I bow to your mastery of TeX! I doubt if I ever could have figured
> that out. But at least I figured out who could figure it out. Thanks!!!!

Thank you! But my decisive advantage here definitely is the intimate 
knowledge of musixlyr's functioning; if musixlyr weren't my own 
creation, I'd had no chance to find a solution either.

> With the whole weekend before me, I'll be trying to find PMX examples where
> other things might be affected by your proposed changes. [...]

Fine---thank you for incorporating the problem solution on the PMX level!

Of course I can't judge whether other problems would arise due to the 
discussed changes. But based on my slight impression of the interaction 
between \newnoi and \newmovement, I take the liberty to add the 
following idea to the proposal:

The only thing that \newnoi does is to schedule "\def\nbinstruments{...}"
at the next proper processing step (currently using \atnextbar). Since 
the "new" proper place for that action is part of PMX coding anyway, 
you could achieve the desired effect more easily by abandoning \newnoi 
completely and coding the \nbinstruments assignment directly in 
\newmovement instead:

\def\newmovement#1#2#3{\let\holdstop\stoppiece... % 3 args instead of 2
 \def\contpiece{\def\nbinstruments{#3}% <-- assignment inserted here

In the .tex file generated by pmxab, the new number of instruments would 
then have to be given as third argument to \newmovement:

... more such commands ...

... more such commands ...

Possible advantage of this approach over the first idea: \atnextline is 
kept uninvolved, reducing the danger of bad side effects.

> The task of finding other issues with these changes makes me think of
> another true TeXpert, our dear friend Werner, who somehow could always find
> bugs in PMX even if they only showed up when multiple, uncommon events
> happened in a specific sequence.

I fully agree. I was most impressed by his inexhaustible enthusiasm by 
which he brought and kept us people and our ideas together to make 
MusiXTeXing a great activity.

Best regards,

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