
I have recently rekindled my interest in MusiXTeX / PMX with the sole
purpose of publishing the works of one of my distant forefathers
(Ernemann) in the public domain.

I think I found a number of bugs, but it is more likely that my
understanding of PMX and MusiXTeX is severely lacking or a sad case of
RTM.  In due course I will be sending a few emails to seek
enlightenment from some friendly souls.

Anyway, the first problem I would like to point out, is a strange
default behaviour in PMX: some chord stems are positioned wrongly (too
short), yet some ornaments seem to be positioned much higher than the

Attached you will find an example.  The first measure shows no issues
if the chords are an octave higher.  The second one shows PMX's
default behaviour: the stems are too short, and some ornaments are not
positioned accordingly.

The third measure shows my manual overrides.

I am not sure whether it is worth exploring why PMX has this as a
default behaviour.

% nv,noinst,mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnmp,mtrdnp,xmtrnum0,isig,
  2  1      6       8       6      8      0        -1
% npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent
  1      1     16        0.07
d82au zd+ f8 za zd o. f8- za zd o> f8- za zd o_ f8- za zd ou f8- za zd op /
r2d /

d82au zd+ f8- za zd o. f8- za ze+ o> f8- za zf+ o_ f8- za ze+ ou f8- za zd op /
r2d /

d82au zd+ [+4 f8- za zd o. f8- ] za ze+ o> [+5-1 f8- za zf+ o_ f8- za
ze+ ou f8- ] za zd op /
r2d /

%% Local Variables:
%% mode: plain-tex
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Best regards

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