Is there a reason why make4ht is not yet part of the TL?

I am asking, because for example, I wanted to post a question
on tex4ht at Tex.Stackexchange, where I made an example latex
file to show the problem, but had to use luacode in it.  (long

make4ht supports lua using the option --lua and I do not know
how to use htlatex to compile my latex file with luacode package
in it.

! Package luacode Error: LuaTeX is required for this package. Aborting..

But if I post this question and since make4ht is not in TL,
then someone can't run it without them going to install
make4ht which can make it hard for them and someone might
get upset.

I've been using make4ht for long time with no problems. It
will be great if it can be part of the main tex4ht tree
as well.


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