Hi Nasser,
The error in your MWE case is due to undefined "\PRE" command, which should
be "/PRE".


On 10 June 2016 at 11:41, Nasser M. Abbasi <n...@12000.org> wrote:

> I am struggling with this. I need to be able to define
> an environment, where when Latex file is compiled to HTML
> does one thing, and when compiled to pdf does another thing.
> This sounds easy enough. The problem is it is for code
> listing. For pdf, I can use listing package no problem.
> For HTML, I'd like to use special HTML code to make
> the code more customized for HTML. The problem is
> that one can't define an environment for verbatim
> or listing content. So I am stuck. Here is a small
> example which shows what I mean:
> --------------------------
> \documentclass[12pt]{book}%
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{listings}
> \usepackage{fancyvrb}
> \ifdefined\HCode
>   \newenvironment{code}
>   {\HCode{<PRE>}}
>   {\HCode{<\PRE>}}
> \else
>   \lstnewenvironment{code}
>   {\lstset{language=matlab}}
>   {}
> \fi
> \begin{document}
> \begin{code}
> X=10;
> \end{code}
> \end{document}
> -----------------------------
> The above compiled ok to pdf, but ofcourse it gives
> error with tex4ht
> -----------------------
> (/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4-math.4ht))
> (./foo2.aux)
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> <argument> <\PRE
>                  >
> l.19 \end{code}
>                ?
> ---------------------------
> I used PRE above just an example. If I can this method
> to work, I wanted to use more complicate HTML code
> there for the start of the environment, which uses
> outside javascript library for code formatting, much
> nicer than what I can get from standard listings.
> Listings works ok for both html and pdf. I just wanted
> to use direct HTML environment for the code listing
> when compiling with tex4ht.
> I could of course duplicate the code itself, and use
> \ifdefined\HCode
>   \ScriptEnv{html}
>     {\NoFonts\hfill\break}
>     {\EndNoFonts}
>     \begin{html}
>         my code here
>     \end{html}
> \else
>    \begin{lstlisting}
>         code here
>    \end{lstlisting}
> \fi
> But I am trying to avoid this.
> If some one has any idea how to do this, that will be great.
> I asked on this also at
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/313994/defining-alternative-environment-for-code-listing-for-tex4ht-without-code-duplic
> Thank you,
> --Nasser

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