> The speed is AMAZING !!  minutes now instead of hours. It might be due to
> the use of
>   make -j6 -f try-images.mk
> or something else. I do not know what magic Michal did, but now
> svg is generated so fast and not only that, the math issue I saw before, are
> gone now (may be the pic-align missing before was the cause, or may
> be using the draft option was the cause.)

It just means that it works as expected :) I wouldn't come with this
solution without Martin's and Reinhard's ideas.

> Michal: You should consider writing a paper on this and publish it
> in the TUGboat journal as this is a major improvement in performance.

I am considering writing TUGboat paper about tex4ht for several years.
Make4ht would be another topic. The problem is that I am really bad at
writing longer texts, especially in English. I even plan to make a
blog, I bought a domain, created blogging support in make4ht and
created code for the blog in Lua. I have lot of ideas to write about,
the only issue is that I cannot write :( The same issue is with the
official tex4ht documentation, I was just able to crate an outline and
few paragraphs.

> Is there an offical place where the new.mk4 and dvireader.lua and
> dvisvgm-hashes.lua will be located? Will these files be part of
> texlive for htlatex so they get installed each time automatically?

The official code is already included in make4ht as dvisvgm_hashes
extension. I just need to make a documentation for it (which may be
problem, see above :) And I will release it to CTAN. It will work
without need of support in a build file.

Best regards,

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