On 9/8/2018 9:56 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
You'll notice what I am talking about above. I tested it in
Chrome and Firefox. You can see again by by SHIFT-REFRESH the
webpage to force reloading.

Is there a way not to make it do this? I find having to wait
few seconds each time to wait for the page to refresh suddently
again is a bit annoying.

Yes, this is MathJax thing. I am not sure if that can be fixed, I am
cusious myself.



I posted a question about this double refresh of the web page
when using mathjax more than 2 weeks ago, here


And finally got an answer there yesterday.

The answer gives some possible solutions to configure mathjax with
to prevent this problem.

I am posting this here, in case Michal wants to look at the answer
and have these in his mathjax style for tex4ht, at least as
an option somehow.

I have not tried them myself. Will do that later today.

This double refresh is a big problem when using mathjax. That is
why I stopped using it. If the above solution does solve this,
I can switch back to using mathjax for math with tex4ht since it
compiles very fast.


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