Sorry to bother with a beginner question.  I am following the basic tutorial at  I 
download a clean copy of my project from  
I check that it compiles with make.  Then based on the tutorial I ran make4ht 
book.tex and got this.

jim@millstone:~/src/computing/src$ make4ht book.tex
[STATUS]  make4ht: Conversion started
[STATUS]  make4ht: Input file: book.tex
[ERROR]   htlatex: Compilation errors in the htlatex run
[ERROR]   htlatex: Filename     Line    Message
[ERROR]   htlatex: ?    26       Package biblatex Error: Patching 'endnotes' 
package failed.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ?    28       TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack 
[FATAL]   make4ht-lib: Fatal error. Command htlatex returned exit code 1

I don't see any .log file or any other idea where to start debugging.  No doubt 
I've missed what to do.  I have just today updated my TeX LIve, and I have a 
copy of endnotes.sty.  The book is 160K lines of LaTeX and I certainly did not 
expect it to run without a hitch, but where do I start in to try to figure out 
what to adjust?  


You can’t write tears Jimmy.  -- Sean Lock

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