
> > [ERROR]   htlatex: ?    28       TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input
> stack size=10000].
> > [FATAL]   make4ht-lib: Fatal error. Command htlatex returned exit code 1
> > So it is possible that there are also some other  issues.
> Gee, I'd be astonished if there were not.  :-)  It is a lot of lines of code, 
> written without paying any attention to the needs of htlatex.  I'll try the 
> debug and see what headway I can make.

As the fatal error happens already at line 28, which I suspect will be
\begin{document}, it will most likely be caused by some package. I
would make a copy of the document preamble, comment out all packages,
add just some dummy text to the document body, and try to enable
packages until you get the error message.

Best regards,

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