Hi Nasser,

I've tried to run your file, but I cannot compile it because of the
missing file my_core.tex. From the HTML file, the issue is related to
your MAPLEinline environments, which is defined somewhere in your
my_core.tex file. So the ZIP file would be nice.

Anyway, could you please make a smaller example? It is complicated to
debug such large files.

Best regards,

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 10:05 AM Nasser M. Abbasi <n...@12000.org> wrote:
> https://12000.org/my_notes/faq/MAPLE/maple.tex
> And the log file at
> https://12000.org/my_notes/faq/MAPLE/maple.log
> I can make a zip file that contains everything needed to build it if needed?

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