Hi Nasser,

it is caused by the <IMG> tag. LuaXML needs well formed XML, so you
need to close tags such as <IMG> or <META>. It actually supports
unclosed <img>, it doesn't support the uppercase version.  So you can
use this instead:

 <IMG SRC="movies/movie.gif" ALT="some text" WIDTH=750 />


<img SRC="movies/movie.gif" ALT="some text" WIDTH=750 >

I've also added support for uppercase void elements to LuaXML DOM
object, so it should work in the future.

Best regards,

> ----------------
> \documentclass[12pt,titlepage]{article}
> \begin{document}
> \ifdefined\HCode
> Here is the animation from the Maple notebook:
> \ScriptEnv{html}
>     {\NoFonts\hfill\break}
>     {\EndNoFonts}
>    \HCode{
>    <IMG SRC="movies/movie.gif" ALT="some text" WIDTH=750>
>    }
> \fi
> \end{document}

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