On 12/10/2022 2:14 PM, Jim Hefferon wrote:

                  Summary: Incompatibility with package animate
                  Project: tex4ht
             Submitted by: jimhefferon
             Submitted on: Sat Dec 10 20:14:28 2022
                 Category: None
                 Priority: 5 - Normal
                 Severity: 5 - Normal
                   Status: None
                  Privacy: Public
              Assigned to: None
         Originator Email:
              Open/Closed: Open
          Discussion Lock: Any



I have a minimal file at the end of this message.  If I run

   make4ht -a debug -m draft test.tex

then I get this message.

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=10000].
\old:outputpage ->\old:outputpage
l.9 \end{document}
No pages of output.
Transcript written on test.log.
[FATAL]   make4ht-lib: Fatal error. Command htlatex returned exit code 1

If I comment out the \usepackage{animate} line then it works great, and I can
view the .html file perfectly.

Jim Hefferon





As far as I know, animate never, and most likely will never work with tex4ht.

It does not even work with pdf readers embedded in browsers. i.e. if you open 
pdf inside the browser, the animation will not run.

I think it works only with standalone adobe pdf reader and may be with 1-2 other
standalone pdf readers.

This is what I do to run animations in HTML






    <IMG SRC="f.gif" ALT="some text" WIDTH=750 />



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