
Thank you so much for your help.

I use the animate package as here.


In book.pdf this will use use a little Javascript to successively show the 
files glideranim00.pdf through glideranim16.pdf (perhaps at 3 frames per 
second?).  If you are interested then you can see the output at 
https://joshua.smcvt.edu/computation/book.pdf on page 49.  (I think you may 
have to use Acrobat to see the animation.)

I could absolutely supply example files if you want.  But I wonder if maybe the 
right answer is that you shouldn't support this, that a person who has this 
should separately bundle the graphic files into a .gif or some other format 
suitable for the web?  Then in the .tex file calls for this could be surrounded 
with the \ifx\HCode\undefined ... construct.  If that is right, perhaps this 
could be noted somewhere?


From: Michal Hoftich <puszcza-hack...@gnu.org.ua>
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2022 16:13
To: Michal Hoftich; Hefferon, Jim S.; tex4ht@tug.org
Subject: [bug #586] Incompatibility with package animate

⚠ External Sender ⚠

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #586 (project tex4ht):

The fatal error seems to be caused by the Pdfbase package. It redefines the
output routine in a way that crashes TeX4ht. It can be fixed using the
attached pdfbase-hooks.4ht file. I've already pushed it to TeX4ht sources, so
it should be available in TL soon.

Regarding the Animate package suport, I see that there is a rudimentary
animate.4ht file, which probably fixes some bug that was reported to me in
2017. I don't know much about this package, so I am not sure if the fix works
anymore. I can try to provide a proper configuration file with support for
inclusion of supported animations, if you provide me with a MWE. Note that we
can support only features that are available in web brosers, but I think that
inclusion of SVG or Gif images should work without problems.


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