Michael Lorimer <mikel78...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    <font face="Times New Roman">It looks like a sink<font face="Times
>        New Roman">hole or <font face="Times New Roman">some kind of
>          collapse from the air.&nbsp; However, an oblique view looks like
>          there is elevation along the sides, which would imply an
>          explosion.&nbsp; What <font face="Times New Roman">do you think<font
>              face="Times New Roman">?<br>

        It certainly looks obvious that something blew up from below, but 
I'm not sure that the volume of ejecta is as large as the void below 
appears.  It would help to know more about the geology, hydrology, and 
water-table level in the region (is the lake in the distance above or 
below the bottom of the pit)?  If warming-driven methane degassing can 
cause an explosive event that large, that's scary.  I'll be interested to 
know what the Russians conclude from the promised investigation.

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