In all seriousness. If it were a meteor strike, or something did blow up, 
within the last ? years, wouldn't it have registered as a seismic event? The 
place for that is in Boulder CO, and they can pick up stuff from all over the 
world. That's partially I think how they measure wether someone has set off an 
underground nuc.
On Jul 15, 2014, at 4:16 PM, DONALD G. DAVIS wrote:

> Michael Lorimer <> wrote:
>>   <font face="Times New Roman">It looks like a sink<font face="Times
>>       New Roman">hole or <font face="Times New Roman">some kind of
>>         collapse from the air.&nbsp; However, an oblique view looks like
>>         there is elevation along the sides, which would imply an
>>         explosion.&nbsp; What <font face="Times New Roman">do you think<font
>>             face="Times New Roman">?<br>
>> rs-Siberia-Huge-crater-emerges-end-world.html
>       It certainly looks obvious that something blew up from below, but 
> I'm not sure that the volume of ejecta is as large as the void below 
> appears.  It would help to know more about the geology, hydrology, and 
> water-table level in the region (is the lake in the distance above or 
> below the bottom of the pit)?  If warming-driven methane degassing can 
> cause an explosive event that large, that's scary.  I'll be interested to 
> know what the Russians conclude from the promised investigation.
>                                                       --Donald
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