Yall please be aware of histo (and other lung fungus) being present in
those little dry, dusty, windless caves. Also soft ticks that carry Lime
(type) Diseases and Relapsing Fever.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Kurt L. Menking <kmenk...@bcad.org> wrote:

>  I have set up a trip for November 22-24 to search for and map any caves
> in the cliff across from Paradise Canyon.  During TCR Myself, Fran
> Hutchins, and Rob Bissett, surveyed a 120’ long cave I found several years
> ago.  There are numerous shelters visible, some of which I’ve checked out
> that have differing amounts of passage that needs to be surveyed and maps
> made.  There are also many more that I’ve never been to.
> I’d like to have enough cavers for 4 or 5 teams to divide up and take on
> specific areas.  I’d like to have 2 or 3 teams tackle the high leads that
> most likely will require rope work to reach the entrances.  Plus I’d like
> to have at least 2 teams do a thorough inventory of the lower cliff.
> Camping will be available Friday-Sunday.  We’ll have the place to
> ourselves, and the bathrooms, and showers will be functional.  My wife
> plans to make group meals Saturday Morning & Evening, and Sunday morning.
> We’d like to collect $5 each to cover the food costs.  I’ll send out more
> info on the food as we get closer to those who have let me know they are
> coming.
> Please let me know if you want to come so we can have enough food.
> Bring your survey gear if you have any, and plan on having some good dirty
> fun.
> Kurt

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