Below are some observations I noted after spending about 4 hours on Twitter
this past week.

The 2014 NSS convention has a Twitter page @2014NSScon.   That is a good
way of quickly getting out an important announcement to the cavers on

The NSS, NCKRI, SCCi and a few grottos, have Twitter pages.

At least 20 Texas cavers ( whose names I recognize ) have a Twitter
account, but few are following the NSS.

There are spammers on Twitter, that follow you.

It seems ridiculous that the average Twitter user could follow more than a
thousand pages.  But I can see how someone who is heavily involved in
caving organizations could be following 4,000 Twitter sites, and have even
more followers.

Obviously, few people have spare time to actually read all the tweets they
are following.

An example of a good tweet would be, "virgin passage just now found in Kiwi

Unfortunately, most of the tweets I see are just info re-posted from other
sites and is old news.

To many tweets are sarcastic immature post about something silly.

I still do not feel like I have a grasp of Twitter, eventhough it is far
simpler than other social media sites.

The best site I know of is the Mars Curiosity page.

David Locklear

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