Then just unhook yourself from them. Some of us don't use FB, Twitter, 
LinkedIn, etc. I particularly don't like the way they play fast and loose with 
your personal information. And now, the inventor of FB wants to get everyone in 
the world on FB. What kind of megalomaniac thinks that's necessary. Call me old 
fashioned, but I'd just as soon go back to the days when communication was a 
little more selective and you hand wrote or typed letters. What are us family 
historians going to do when we don't have handwritten manuscripts to go thru on 
these long winter nights (albeit, some partially unreadable, but that's half 
the fun)?

Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:30:41 -0600
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] twitter related

>From looking at it today versus when they first started up, it looks more like 
>the other social sites, and just the fact that its so invasive.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Sheryl Rieck <> wrote:

I agree. I never allow them access. But, they are sneaky! 

Is LinkedIn really turning into social media? I actually use it as a tool to 
get projects and connect with people in a position to get me projects. I do 
kind of cringe when a personal friend endorses me for something I KNOW they 
have no idea if I do or not, but even more importantly, they don't know what it 
is.  lol  I appreciate the sentiment. But, I do truly use it for project 
searches and business networking, so I try to keep mine geared to that.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Charles Goldsmith <> wrote:

I detest how these social media sites (and that's what LinkedIn is turning 
into) is very invasive and tries to take over your contact lists on your 
computer and in your web based email.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:52 AM, David <> wrote:

An apology to anyone receiving unwanted Twitter invites by email from me.
I have no idea how Twitter works, or how to turn the fr*ckin emails off.
Anyone new to Twitter should not let Twitter send out invitations automatically.

One thing I left off of my 1st Twitter post, is that Twitter is integrated in 
some way toLinkedin.     You have to be careful that what you post on Linkedin, 
so that it does not end up on Twitter.

On a related note,
I think Linkedin is a great service, but I do not know if it has helped my 
business, asmy customers are all computer illiterate, and they do not have the 
spare time to mess with it.   They just get someone else, like their office 
staff, to manage the page.

I haven't found any use for Linkedin related to caving, except to let my 
friends know what it is that I do for a living.     Lots of cavers use it more 
than I do, so feel free to correct me on that.     It seems like a professional 
way to brag about your accomplishments though.   Right ?

David Locklear

Sheryl Rieck, Oracle Financials Consultant
True SEM Antics, Inc.


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