>Reference's "The Donald's" theory with excerpts.  Interesting reading. Woul=
>d love to read Mr. Davis' publication, in English or German - apparently it=
> was also widely translated....
>julia germany
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Jones <pjca...@gwi.net>
>To: Carl Pagano <pagan...@comcast.net>
>Cc: Southwestern Region <s...@caver.net>; DONALD DAVIS <dgda...@nyx.net>
>Sent: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:59 pm
>Subject: Re: [SWR] Dilation theory.
>Carl, I think you're on to something here.  I agree, it would be great to h=
>ave The Donald's theory published again.  Donald???=E2=80=A6.
>On Sep 7, 2013, at 3:21 PM, Carl Pagano wrote:
>, it would be worth publishing again given the increased number of sinkhole=
>s. The world is beginning to collapse on itself because there aren't enough=
> people who believe that it is hollow anymore. It used to be that people th=
>ought the world was hollow. Cavers promoted this theory, but with the closu=
>re of so many caves due to ignorance, the world doesn't know just how many =
>hollow places there are/were, and so they are de-dilating.=20
>  Carl=E2=80=A6.

      As the Dilation Theory author, I believe that Dr. Pagano's brilliant 
extrapolation is entirely consistent with the Theory.  Unless the agencies 
open caves again, the earth is in peril, and may end up as a black hole!

      Here's the header of my personal file of the article (available in
MS Word .DOC format on request), giving some of the publication history:

[This revolutionary scientific paper originally appeared in Virgin
Passage, June 1982 (Colorado Mines Grotto).  It was republished in NSS
News, Dec. 1983; and in Geo2 (journal of the Cave Geology & Geography
Section of the NSS), Winter 1995; and has been printed in translation in
German, Swiss and Norwegian journals, indicating worldwide acceptance of
its definitive speleogenetic paradigm.--author's note, Dec. 1999.]

      Rich Wolfert's account (that came in as I write this) of the genesis 
of the Dilation Theory is correct.  I dashed it off in pencil as we were 
on the road to Denver, just as a whimsical joke.  It is totally outside my 
normal style; I've never quite understood why it caught on so well as to 
become by far the most popular and best-known of all my writings.  It does 
explain, in a cockeyed way, a great many things--sometimes I can't help 
wondering if it might actually be *true* (a terrifying thought!)

      The translation history in my summary above is from word of mouth (a
Spanish translation is also rumored); I don't recall that I have copies of
any of the non-English versions--I'd like to get hold of them, if anyone
else has.  It would also be amusing if a speaker of any of those languages
would render a literal translation back into English.  Mark Twain did that
with a French translation of his Jumping Frog story; the result was
funnier than the original.
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