On 9/13/2013 3:18 PM, Geary Schindel wrote:

So, how is solo caving different from solo trail running, solo hiking, or solo driving on rural roads.

At least on the solo hiking I'll offer some fairly critical differences vs. solo caving as I do a section of the Pacific Crest Trail each year. Keeping as many things as common amongst the participants capability, preparation, relative danger of the course followed etc. I am hard pressed to think of much where the hiker is at any relative disadvantage save the following: heat stroke, attack by other humans, or large wild creatures. (finding potable water maybe).

One overwhelming advantage is that at the insistence of my wife (mother of my 3 children) I carry a SPOT device. As a % of the overall trail length, the locations it has as yet and I believe unlikely to operate and report my status/location within minutes is very very small.

Solo hiking, vs. hiking with my loved ones - is probably safer (reference my mention of "attack by other humans")


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