This last summer I crawled through the bowels of an abandoned WWII army
fort out in Resurrection Bay Alaska (abandonned 1944).  The roof was
covered with soda staws along cracks in the ceiling, some 3-4 inches long.
Important to note that soda straw growth is only possible during the summer
as winter temperatures will stop the mineral water flow.



On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Neal Hines <> wrote:

>  This morning I read a geochemistry text on carbonate mineralization that
> gave an example of how much stalactites might grow in one year: 0.19
> mm/year. It's a recent book (Merkel et al. Groundwater Geochemistry 2008).
> Assumptions: partial pressure CO2 of 3% (charged up from soils) degassing
> to 0.03% (by volume; atmospheric level), 100L of water dripping from the
> ceiling, and the ceiling covered by 15% stalactites.
>  Cavers all know this growth varies by quite a bit, but this might serve
> as a rough upper end growth rate. So, within a caver's life of 70 years,
> you could see a formation grow by over 1 cm! Lending truth to the
> observation I've heard of some cavers that, "this passage has shifted since
> I was here last." Sodastraws can grow even faster I believe & I'm sure
> people will have opinions on that.
>  Also, thanks to Ron Green for doing the webinar on Geophysics in karst
> landscapes last night. I caught only the tail end, but there were tons of
> questions and very interested participants.
> -Neal Hines
>> ****

Brian Riordan
979-218-8009 (Mobile)

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