Thankfully, I have had a pretty good response to my last plea and we
even have some candidates (!) for the open positions of TSA Secretary
and TSA Vice Chair.


Thanks to all of the cavers who have responded with nominations and
those of you who thought it over AND declined or accepted their
respective nomination! The TSA could not function without people like
you willing to serve or, at least, think it over.


I'm going to close nominations on Monday, October 8th, and will post the
candidates soon after on CaveTex, after conferring with the TSA


Meanwhile, if this sounds like something you'd like to do or you have
someone in mind, shoot an email my way.


I also know that there are PLENTY of people out there who like to tell
the TSA officers how to do their jobs, how they are doing them wrong,
how they could do them better, what is wrong with the TSA, or want to
conduct change on an institutional scale.


Now is YOUR time!


If I don't hear from you, I'll assume everything in the TSA is hunky
dory and the new TSA leadership will not be bothered by your criticisms
and you will forever and evermore hold your peace.


So, nominate that special someone or volunteer now and be sure to vote
at TCR. 


Make your voice heard! Democracy is a terrible thing to waste. 


(cue the patriotic music and flag waving in the background about now).





Mucho gracias!


Mark Alman





(Borrowing from one of Ron Ralph's excellent past emails from when he
was the TSA Nominations Chair).






It is once again time to consider running for office. The Texas
Speleological Association needs your hat in the ring for the 2013
election at the Texas Caver Reunion. The positions are for one year and
duties are outlined below. Knowing your reluctance to volunteer for any
position, I am asking your friends (ha!) to suggest to me that you will
be a fine candidate. I will then contact you and ask if you will run and


Our present officers (2012) are:


President - Don Arburn (standing, unless someone REALLY wants to run)

Vice-President - Ellie Watson (OPEN. Ellie is standing down, after many
years of superb service to the TSA).

Secretary - Denise Prendergast (OPEN. Denise is standing down, after
many years of excellent record keeping for the TSA).

Treasurer - Michael Cicherski (standing, unless someone REALLY wants to



This is the first call for nominations. Please respond with your
thoughts on possible candidates at your earliest convenience.




Mark Alman, TSA Elections Committee Chair

September 17, 2012



214-289-9181 - Cell


Duties of TSA Officers

Nominations for TSA officers are in progress.  This page is an excerpt
from the TSA Constitution describing the duties of TSA Officers.


Article IV: Officers

A. The Executive Council consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer and the Chair of each standing committee. Elected
officers shall take office on the first day of the New Year. 

1. The Chairman, when present, shall preside over all TSA meetings.

2. The Vice-Chairman is responsible for meeting and program arrangements
and shall preside at TSA meeting is the absence of the Chairman.

3. The Secretary records the minutes of TSA meetings and maintains a
current list of members. 

4. The Treasurer keeps track of TSA assets by maintaining adequate
financial records, including those for The Texas Caver.  The Treasurer
prepares a budget for the fiscal year, maintains the membership
database, and insures the database is available electronically to the

B. A vacancy in any elected office other than that of Chairman may be
filled by the Executive Council by appointing any full member in good
standing or by special election if so desired by the Executive Council. 

C. The Vice-Chairman shall fill a vacancy in the office of Chairman. 

D. Officers may be removed from their position by a three-quarters
majority vote at any Member Meeting. 


NOTES:  The vice chair has historically organized the TSA spring
convention, in other words, No Vice Chair = No TSA Convention!


And the chairman is responsible for organizing the TSA business preparing agendas, scheduling the meeting...keeping things
moving at the meetings....and being a "speleo-referee" to keep things


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