        Very well stated!

On Apr 14, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Peter Jones wrote:

> Mike et al:  I have a comment to make on what you just suggested and I agree 
> with you 100%.  Years ago when the battle was on in Congress over the removal 
> of lands from mineral exploration (drilling for oil) north of the CACA NP 
> boundary because of Lech, I actually went to visit four congress people in 
> Washington, DC.  I was already in the area because of doing some craft shows 
> just north of DC, so took an extra day and made appointments to visit some 
> Senators and Representatives.  The only real Senator I got to see was 
> Domenici back when he was still in office.  I also visited Bingaman's office 
> (I think that's whose it was) and those of two of my senators from Maine.  It 
> was enlightening in many ways.  For one thing, I was probably one of the only 
> actual citizens (as opposed to corporate lobbyists, lawyers and other 
> cutthroat scum that passes for citizens) who came in to speak my mind on the 
> issue directly to congress people.  Domenici seemed mildly amused that 
> someone other than a lawyer/lobbyist came in, but there I was, a caver, 
> loaded with my own photos to illustrate the beauty that is Lech as an example 
> of what would be lost  if the unthinkable occurred.  I think the associate I 
> met with in Bingaman's office was livid that I was wasting her important time 
> by *being a mere citizen* and addressing my grievances to her.  I can still 
> see her flared nostrils over the insolence of trying to express my views 
> about saving Lech!!  Anyway, my two senators from Maine seemed very 
> interested as I was likely the only 
> person from Maine to even bring it up.
> I realize that in regards to that issue that we didn't quite get everything 
> we wished for.  Yates still drilled, hit a dry hole and plugged it up with no 
> damage to known caves.  Considering all that, we lucked out.  Now we face a 
> different threat that comes in the form of legal people trying, for better or 
> worse, to save bats.  They do so by laying the blame of the spread of the 
> disease directly at our feet.  At least we agree with them that the spread of 
> the disease is bad, but where we disagree is that it is spread by a human 
> vector.  If they're going to mount a legal attack on us, I agree that we need 
> to respond to them in kind.  Very few of us are lawyers, but that doesn't 
> mean that we can't approach our own senators and representatives with our own 
> responses to their attack.  We need to agree that the spread of WNS is 
> terrible and that we are doing all we can to prevent it through our own 
> self-imposed decon- strategies, but be forceful in saying that the human 
> vector has not been proven anywhere by anybody.  Clearly the closing of caves 
> is more detrimental to them (the article on Fern, for example, is a good 
> illustration) than allowing for controlled visits.  If we don't make that 
> point to them, we will lose out to CBD without a fight.  If all caves are 
> closed to everyone, that's like having a fire and locking out all the firemen 
> to put it out!!
> There is no reason why we can't use our constitutional rights to address our 
> senators and representatives about what the CBD is doing.  As you said, Mike, 
> it's the numbers and we have far more of them than CBD does at the moment.
> Peter
> <SITDCP Card 2010.tif>
> On Apr 14, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mike Bilbo wrote:
>> From what I know, Washington pretty much ignores petitions, but doesn't hurt 
>> to sign - just in case.  Personal letters are better but the main thing that 
>> happens there by staffers is they just get quantified in statistics by 
>> subject and keywords and presented to Congress as percentages on issues, yea 
>> or nay &c, which could merit discussion.  These days, it's people with 
>> political connections and officers of organizations who might be able able 
>> to get through.  A basic strategy is you got to go meet with your 
>> Congressional Delegation - go to the offices in person, and maybe the 
>> congressperson or senator will actually be it.  But the staffers will talk 
>> to you and that's the best chance - you might end up on the phone in person.
>> But the Center for Biological Travesty strategy here is interesting and 
>> creative (in war, strategies count) - since they already lost a lawsuit on 
>> these lines big-time, they are taking it to the Council on Environmental 
>> Quality, which was created by the National Environmental Policy Act.  Uh oh 
>> - it doesn't matter whether you got a liberal or conservative 
>> administration, CEQ and NEPA can really impact the situation - that council 
>> and that law sure can.  It's a good law and sure am glad Nixon got it 
>> through, but it can be brought to bear in some very serious ways.  Next - 
>> CBD and their supportive allies are doing way more than just a petition:  
>> lobbying and personal meetings with congressional delegations.  Strategies.
>> So, what shall the Cavers' and other reasonable citizens' strategy(ies) be?  
>> Nope, you can't just sign a petition and that's it.  We got way more work to 
>> do.
>> Mike
>> From: Kathy Peerman <>
>> To: Karl Wilson <>; Kathy Peerman 
>> <>; Mike Lorimer <>; Hank Boudinot 
>> <>; Mike Dimatteo <>; Bob 
>> Rodgers <>; Stephanie Regan <>; Justin 
>> Peinado <>; David Winnett <>; 
>> Evelyn Townsend <>; Wayne Walker <>; 
>> Robert Wood <>; Jackie Horton <>; Jeff 
>> Bach <>; Dave Gose <>; John Collins 
>> <>; Luke Peerman <>; Scott 
>> Anderson <>; Ashley Smith <>; 
>> Mike Bilbo <>; Kenny Stabinsky <>; Lee 
>> Wilson <>; Kate Bach <>; Robert 
>> Foster <>; Margaret Wilson <>; Lee 
>> Stevens <>; Allen Wright <>; Grady 
>> Viramontes <>; Cordie Ross <>; 
>> Gary Grogg <>; Don Martin <>; Steve 
>> Peerman <>; Andy Eby <>; Hadley Robinson 
>> <>; Mike Bilbo (home) <>; Janice Tucker 
>> <>; Jeff Lory <>; Lawrence Foreman 
>> <>; Arvel Thomas <>; John 
>> Moses <>; Larry Foreman <>; Stephen 
>> Fleming <>; Bill Godby <>; Michael 
>> McWhirter <>; Mailing List for SWR <> 
>> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 12:31 PM
>> Subject: Fwd: Petition to keep public caves open to the public
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From:
>>> Date: April 13, 2012 9:16:01 AM MDT
>>> To:,, 
>>> Bcc:
>>> Subject: Petition to keep public caves open to the public
>>> Hey, all,
>>> As you may know, the CBD is petitioning the White House to close all
>>> public caves and fine private landowners who keep their caves open.
>>> This is a serious threat to the caves, which are often vandalized when
>>> responsible visitation is removed, and does nothing to protect the
>>> bats since WNS is spread bat-to-bat. Human contributions to spread can
>>> be effectively controlled with decon, assuming a human vector ever
>>> existed. Closing publicly owned caves to the public is a threat to
>>> conservation, a limitation of freedom, and is based on bad science,
>>> and I am tired of not standing up to say that. If you support this
>>> cause, please sign this counter petition to keep the caves open.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> John Dunham
>> Kathy Peerman
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Kathy Peerman

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