Howdy fellow cavers,

This past weekend ASS enjoyed a trip to Govt Canyon State Natural Area to
help Marvin out up there.

I could not personally make the trip due to prior engagements (make sure to
catch the next Texas Caver for deets) so the trip report that follows was
written by a fellow ASS, Scott Grimes. See you all at TCR, enjoy!

Zach Broussard
Aggie Speleological Society- President

ASSes Present:

Kyle Leonard- Vice President/ Trip Leader

Monica Faith

Scott Grimes

Matthew Perryman

Cruz St.Peter

Chelsea Small

Erick Jackson

Rachel Saker

We met in the parking lot at 7pm on Friday, and departed at ~9.30 due to
unfortunate circumstances which involved the procuration of 2 tickets by our
fearless leader Kyle. Our caravan got separated on the way and it took
several attempts at re-connecting the 3 cars together before we were
successful. I blame the lack of CB use, and motion for ass funds to be
allocated towards the purchase of a communal cb- or for bawlz to fix his. 4
hours and one obligatory walmart stop later we arrived at the park. After
fiddling with the lock we left to find the correct entrance gate. We drove
up to our designated camping zone for karst workers to find only one other
tent- we had an entire section of the camp to ourselves. We set up camp and
drove the cars back to some pavement (was too dry to allow parking in grass
due to risk of fire). We stayed up drinking for a few hours and went to bed
between 1-2.

At the crack of 9 we woke up, and broke into 3 groups. one group went caving
+ ridgewalking(?), one group with all new cavers went into a pretty cave
which had lots of wildlife (bats, bugs, a snake, etc) and got awesome
pictures. The last group went to a cave dig- think whirlpools birth canal
whilst digging over your head. The dig group met up with the prettycave
group after a jaunt* (read got-hopelessly-lost) in the forest. We then met
the third group at a cabin where we unloaded our tools and a few cavers used
an outdoor shower station with hot water (unashamed glamping if i ever saw

We all cooked our dinners early at 4.30, and were joined by the karst
manager and his little girl- who was a badass/had treked with us all day and
gone caving with one of the groups. We shot the breeze for a while, then
broke out the 4loko's and assorted other goods for a full night of
intoxicant fueled hedonistic merriment. Drinking games, races, trident
throwing (technically a bi-dent cuz it only had two prongs), glowstick
twirling, karaoke, cactus avoiding etc etc. After about 8 hours of hard
partying it had devolved into an naked, dubstep fueled, strobe light lit

Unbenownst to us our style of getting down also doubled as a raindance.
Having greatly pleased [Tefnut, Freyr, Otzotl, PickYourOwn], the skys poured
forth. We went to bed just as the storm had begun, and over the course of
the night several tents were flooded and the entire camp turned into a swamp
of mud, caving equipment, food, and assorted party favors. We had had the
foresight to construct a tarp lean-to the day prior, and so we huddled in it
during the morning- burning a stove for warmth and baking
nutterbutters/lobster pate for sustenance. We sloshed around in the rain to
pack up everything / clean up, and a short 2 hours later departed the park
in search of delicious food. We found a greasy hole in the wall place
mexican restaurant that served puffy tacos and a delicious unpronounceable
milk/rice/cinnamon drink, stuffed ourselves, then returned home (with a
brief detour through san marcos for some reason that was never entirely made
clear to me).

Fie on those who couldnt make it- but be sure to come to thursdays meeting
where will discuss plans for this weekends (14th-16th) trip to TCR!!!!  the
biggest baddest caver party around, a trip you will totes not want to miss.

- Scotty "my-shower-is-now-black-with-mud" G

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