----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sarah Truebe <sarah.tru...@gmail.com>

Hi cavers & cave friends,

I would like to formally solicit talks for this year's Winter Technical 
Presentations and Annual Meeting, on Saturday, January 28, 2012, all day. That 
sounds like it's far away, but it is a mere 3.5 MONTHS!! Get your projects and 
trips in gear so you have something to talk about. Email me with your name and 
a title to get on the program. Please feel free to forward to anyone who might 
be interested in attending or presenting.

This year's ARA WT will be in the ENRB Room 253/Catalina Room (that's upstairs 
in the USGS/NWS building on the NE corner of 6th and Park: 520 N. Park Ave, 
Tucson, AZ 85719).  Maps and directions will shortly be posted on the ARA 

Anyone and everyone is welcome to present a technical project, slideshow, trip 
report, musical performance, etc.  Also, we will be electing new ARA board 
members at the meeting, so show up if you want a say in the Arizona region's 
cave happenings. 

Finally, I am taking suggestions for a keynote speaker - ideally someone from 
around Arizona who might just be traveling through and want to give a talk. 
Contact me if you have any cool ideas.  

That's all from me for now.  Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, 
or comments. And send me those talk titles!!

ARA Vice Chair


Sarah A TruebePhD Candidate
Dept of Geosciences, University of Arizona
office: Gould-Simpson Bldg, Rm. 350

phone: 650-804-5413


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