Dear cavers,

We would like to request your prayers for Mal's un-eventful and speedy

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:58 AM, caverarch <> wrote:

>   I have only limited information at the moment, so I'm nervous about
> dispersing it, but active caver and Greater Houston Grotto President
> Mallory Mayeaux has been in some sort of accident and is currently
> hospitalized. Here is all I know at the moment, contained in a message from
> her brother Caleb:
>  "I don't remember what the GHG schedule looks like or if Mal had any
> upcoming trips or meetings, but Mal will be out of commission for some
> time. She was hit by a car last night and is in ICU. She's stable but banged
> up pretty bad. I figure y'all will know most of the stuff she had going on
> with caving, and can thus plan accordingly. Please keep her in your
> thoughts and prayers.
> Thanks,
> Caleb"
> Roger Moore
> Greater Houston Grotto

Lyndon Tiu

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