texascavers Digest 10 Mar 2013 07:37:22 -0000 Issue 1718

Topics (messages 21392 through 21398):

Re: TSA Winter business meeting minutes
        21392 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com

Re: 3-D model
        21393 by: Geary Schindel

Important NaturFest update.
        21394 by: David Locklear

Paging Chris Francke and Lee Jay Graves
        21395 by: Mallory Mayeux

        21396 by: Ernest Garza

NaturFest Report #1
        21397 by: David Locklear

NaturFest Report #2
        21398 by: David Locklear


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--- Begin Message ---

Great job on the minutes, Heather!


Very thorough and detailed.


Since I couldn’t make it in January and won’t be able to make it to the 
Convention (I committed to a Scout group months ago to be at the Longhorn 
Caverns SP Project, which WILL be occurring. Sorry. Couldn’t help it!) 


I do have a couple of comments/clarifications shown below:








Minutes of Winter TSA Business Meeting                                          
13 January 2013

(Convened at Colorado Bend State Park, Bend, Texas) Submitted by Heather Tuček 



TSA Projects – (Kennedy): Overview of Longhorn and CBSP projects. Still have a 
couple of projects in discussion- Jim Kennedy sent TPWD info about Devils River 
and Pedernales, but heard nothing back yet. Jim also noted that Longhorn is not 
a “TSA” project. Don mentioned that issues have to do with their vendors. 
Something liability-wise that prevents them from working with us. 


There’s no liability issue or anything else going on with Longhorn Caverns SP 
or the concessionaires there. They and I would love to have a “TSA sponsored 
project” bequeathed on this endeavor. How does this happen? I suggest we submit 
this at the next meeting and get it approved.

This is a very popular project and a lot of fun, to boot! If you’re not going 
to Convention, come on out the first weekend of April!


New Business


• Ron Ralph asked for floor. The TSA has long had an exchange program for our 
Texas Caver and their publications. SouthEastern Caver, The Valley Caver from 
the Motherload Grotto, The California Caver. Although, it seems like we haven’t 
held up the end of our bargain in the last year or so. 


I quit doing the exchange with other Grottos when I was Editor and Chairman, as 
I could see no benefit to membership in doing this. With printing AND postage 
for each issue running between $5 to $6 per issue, this was a terrible use of 
membership money in tight economic times.

If you can prove some benefit to membership, start doing this. Otherwise, they 
can go to the website and read all of the newsletters they want!



Ron asked TSA if they will print extra copies of Texas Caver for exchange, and 
mail them out.


See above. A lot of extra $$.



He has written a letter for the other organizations, about back issues and 
exchanges, offering to fill gaps, and keep them updated. Ron guesses there are 
about 10-20 organizations. 


See above. A lot of extra $$. No benefit to membership, IMHO.


Jim mentioned that as former editor, he knows that we are obligated to send 
free copies to NSS (3), USGS, UT Library, etc. Those are just complimentary 
copies, not exchange copies. 


I was doing this. Be email. Not sure about now.


Jim thinks we should target some specific organizations. He suggested Missouri 
Speleological Survey, or regional survey/organizations, rather than little 
Grotto newsletters. TSS can provide a list of organizations. Don mentioned that 
as editor, it was very helpful to have references of other publications to look 


See above. A lot of extra $$. No benefit to membership and if TSS wants to do 
this, they should pay for it, IMHO.


Jim mentioned that it is a good resource of information to see at the TSS. Ron 
continued that, on the same vein, TC has not been publishing extra copies. 
Logan has no back issues from the Alman years. 


Incorrect. There are BOXES of old TC’s somewhere at the TSS office. I 
personally delivered them. There are even extra copies of the “50th Anniversary 
TC” there. A lot of issues with 38 pages and a few correct ones with 50 pages. 
A bunch were left with Michael at the Flat Creek Ranch TCR a couple of years 
ago. Not sure what happened to them. I do know that they aren’t at my house.



So when we talk about filling in back issues, or if we have requests from our 
members, we don’t have the copies to fill that. Don said that part of the 
problem is that the editors have been pushed hard to not have any wastage in 
the printing process, which is why there hasn’t been an excess. Jim mentioned 
that bulk mailing is cheaper, 


This is an old, tired, and incorrect argument. You need 300 items in order to 
benefit from bulk mailing with the USPS. We only mail ~100.


so adding these complimentary and exchange copies helps to get to that number. 
Heather and Ron can work together to get a list updated on the member list to 
have Jill mail the TC out to them. Ron recommended that we follow Jim’s advice 
to request an extra 50 copies for landowner, etc gifts. Don will speak with 
Jill about the issue.


See above. 50 extra copies is $200 to $250, not including postage of around 
$1.50. Good use of membership fees?



• LeeJay and Don discussed about how the majority of TSA members don’t do 
anything for the organization. Ann said that it’s because they don’t know what 
the TSA does. Michael remembered that that’s what the brochure was supposed to 
be about. Matt Turner said it’s silly to have so many cave organizations in 
Texas. Jim talked about old ways that the organizations were run, and how the 
current ones are doing better. LeeJay said it’s a responsibility of the leaders 
to build up their organization. Matt mentioned that there are a lot of 
“fun-time cavers” who want to cave, but not help with the organization. 







Other than that, great job, y’all, and glad to see that the TSA is doing so 
well and in the black. (A HUGE hand to Michael for this, as well! I didn’t see 
his name mentioned and it should be in 3” headlines. Being the throttle and 
“financial conscience” of an organization is a tough job where you make no 
friends when you make difficult monetary decisions and I applaud him for his 
continued excellent service over the years!).



Keep up the hard work, y’all!






Mark Alman – retired TSA Chairman and TEXAS CAVER Editor








From: Heather Tucek [mailto:trog...@cavechat.org] 
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 11:55 PM
To: Texas Cavers
Subject: [Texascavers] TSA Winter business meeting minutes


Sorry it took so long to get this out to everyone!

Go find out!
-Heather Tuček
UT Grotto
TSA Secretary & Membership Chair
NSS 59660
(512) 773-1348

--- End Message ---
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The Devils Sinkhole Project to produce a LIDAR 3D point cloud mesh was 
completed a couple of years ago and can be viewed at the Devils Sinkhole 
Visitors Center in Rocksprings. This was completed on time and budget by the 
Texas Bureau and Economic Geology and Texas Cave Management Association. The 
BEG also donated a computer to the center for viewing. 

The volunteer effort to collect photographs to drape over the LIDAR Mesh went 
well with all of the photos collected by Kevin McGowan.  However, the company 
that was hoping to place it on the LIDAR mesh hasn't been able to complete the 
project for various reasons including time commitments to various paying 
clients (note it was a volunteer effort on their part also). We hope the 
addition draping of the color photos on the LIDAR mesh can be completed at some 
point but there is no time certain.

Geary Schindel

-----Original Message-----
From: Mixon Bill [mailto:bmixon...@austin.rr.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:48 PM
To: Cavers Texas
Subject: [Texascavers] 3-D model

That nice 3-D model of the pictograph shelter reminds me: Whatever became of 
the project at Devils Sinkhole? -- Mixon
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
NaturFest has already started.

Gate code is 4490.   Code to Camp Lodge is same.  Fireplace works.

NaturFest Association is totally prepared to host this event in a thunderstorm.

I am being pulled back to Houston for rest of day.

Make yourself at home.

I would like to encourage you all to attend this event.   90 % of the effort 
that went into this was to unite cavers in east Texas.

Please help us spread the word.

David Locklear
NSS # 27639
281-995-8487 ( text-line )
email:  dlocklear01gmail.com

--- End Message ---
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Contact me, please!

Thanks so much!

Mallory Mayeux

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hey Diggers:

   There is a chance of rain on Sunday. If it is too muddy it is best we 
postpone the dig, but give me a call at (512)847-0183 for an update.
Or come on by and we will have slides to show.

-Ernie G

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Saturday morning
, 1:15 a.m..

We have a small deep-freeze with sausage, steak, & venison for about 20
people.   Also there is 4 - half-gallon tubs of Blue Bell ice-cream fresh
from the factory.   We have a 6 pack of Fat Tire, and Smirnoff Ice, 2
bottles of Spumante, and a local Brenham wine called Pleasant Hill.

If the wind would die down, we could have a bonfire.

It is an extremely pleasant night for camping with zero bugs, and zero

It is so quiet.   I hear nothing but crickets and the leaves.    It is very
dark.   No lights for a 1/2 mile, and only a fuzzy glow in the sky looking
eastward towards Brenham.

It is the first moment of real peace I have had since I was here last on
May 20th.

One lesson Iearned from previous attempts, is that I put my wife and
daughter in a nice hotel in Brenham, and fed them a 5-star meal
beforehand.   That is obviously not what I want..   I have a vacant camp
cabin that I paid for with my hard-earned money just waiting for their

There is so much work to do.

Those that take a shower in the Bath House are going to be impressed with
the water pressure and the hot water.  Unfortunately, it would take a
hurricane recovery crew to clean the Bath House.   Bring flip-flops for

We have snacks for about 20 people, and the 20 non-cavers that RSVP'd are
allegedly bringing more food.

A few cavers expressed a desire to come to the dinner tonight;  Jim McLane,
Mike Walsh, and Mallory Mayeux.

I am hopeful that a man is bringing a cooking trailer from Houston.  I
doubt it will be necessary and probably a total waste of money.   But I
have vaguely invited a thousand people and sent out personal invitations to
the mayor, Chamber of Commerce, the bank employees where NaturFest banks
at, local outdoor clubs, my entire graduation class at high school, and
about 200 clients, and all the local ranchers near the camp.

I feel certain there will be over 30 people served dinner, and hopefully a
few cavers will show, after all it is supposed to be The East Texas Caver's

But I am not cooking.   I have hired a local unemployed lady to assist with
the clean-up, but I am betting she doesn't show.

I have some bicycles to loan.

I really need a responsible person to ramrod things while I go to the
storage building and get stuff.  I have an empty U-haul truck just sitting
there unused because there is no time to go pack it up.   Work & family
distractions kept me from doing that Friday.

Please don't miss dinner.

To be continued.....

David Locklear

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
It is 1:30 am Sunday morning, and it just rained for the first time, but
only for 30 minutes
.  I just crawled into my tent throughly exhausted.

We had 3 cavers show up for the dinner only.  Mike Walsh representing hill
country cavers and Jay Jorden representing north Texas cavers and Jim
McLane representing east Texas cavers.  We had at least an hour of quality
time around the campfire.

The dinner was very good and we had plenty of food.

I think I impressed everyone with the tour of the hot-showers.

The bicycle ride we had along Happy Hollow Rd. was something the 7 children
will never again be able to experience in their lifetime.  Hopefully that
memory will benefit them in some way down the road.

The remaining 20 campers are non-cavers from Mexico, except for one who was
a caver back in the early 70s in Illinois in college.  They are all playing
camp games in the camp's lodge.

As I lay here and write this, most of my thoughts are about how much
NaturFest cost,  and the huge amount of work that went into it vs. the
insignificant impact it had on the cavers in east Texas.

If there ever is another NaturFest in is going to have to be a completely
different event.

Eventhough I can finally say I have built good land-owner relations here,
it is going to be much harder for me to host the event again.
The land-owners health appears to be a future problem to contend with.

I am more interested now in aquariums than hosting any caver related event.

To be continued....

David Locklear

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