
The Edwards Aquifer Authority is pleased to announce that Dr. John (Jack) Sharp 
will be the next Distinguished Lecturer on Friday, June 21, 2013. Dr. Sharp is 
the Carlton Professor of Geology, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson 
School of Geosciences at UT-Austin and former president of the Geological 
Society of America.  We will be sending out an announcement describing the 
lecture and reservation details in the near future.

For those who were not able to view the Monday webinar by Ron Green on the Use 
of Geophysics to Detect Solutional Features in Karst, it may be viewed on the 
National Speleological Society's web page under webinars at<>



Geary M. Schindel, P.G.
Director - Chief Technical Officer
Aquifer Science

1615 N. St. Mary's Street
San Antonio, TX 78215

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